Thursday, 24 May 2018

A Prayer for Today...

 "Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I offer up today all that I am, all that I have, all that I do, and all that I suffer, to be Yours today and Yours forever.  Give me grace, Lord, to do all that I know of Your holy will. Purify my heart, sanctify my thinking, correct my desires.  Teach me in all of today's work and trouble and joy, to respond with honest praise, simple trust, and instant obedience, that my life may be in truth a living sacrifice, by the power of You Holy Spirit and in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Master and my all."

~ Elisabeth Elliot

Thursday Pearls

   Have regular hours for both work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.  Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.”

~ Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women

Happy Thursday, sweet friends...
I simply had to share this beautiful quote in honour of the lovely new BBC adaption of Little Women!  
Look for a review coming very soon...

Blessings in Christ...

 ~ I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.  Philippians 4:11. ~

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

May Ponderings. . .

 How I love the month of May. . .

Winter days are upon us once again; it is time to cuddle beneath soft blankets; bring out our boots and warm coats and spend many a happy hour pottering about in the kitchen. . .
In my world. . . 

Ah, where to begin.   
My head is in a whirl as I cast my mind back over the last few weeks; I feel as if I need to slip my running shoes on in order to keep up with the happenings in our home at the moment. . .  {{smiles}}

First and foremost, let us talk about something most exciting. . .
I am busy preparing to visit my dad in China for just under a month.  I fly out on June 7th, which also happens to be the day that will mark one year since the event of the fire, and return home with my dad on July 5th.  
Last week I traveled to Cape Town to apply for my visa.  Praise the Lord, my application was successful with there being only one or two hiccups along the way.  {{smiles}}
Whilst in Cape Town, I had the blessing of visiting with two very dear friends and spending time with my grandparents whom I also stayed with.

To say that I am excited about my upcoming trip would be an understatement!
I am concerned about traveling across the world by myself considering I have zero airport/airplane experience, but I am praying that the Lord would watch over me and give me the strength of mind to cope with the stress of traveling on my own.  The thought of being able to experience the unique sights and culture of China is simply thrilling. . .  From the time I was a young girl I wanted to visit this incredible country. 
And. . .how special to spend almost a month with my dad!

But. . .  Before I make this epic journey to the other side of the world, a lot has to happen. . .  
I am working part time as a shop keeper again which has been a tremendous blessing, but has also tied up my time.  
I have thankfully been able to sew whilst at the shop (yes, it is the very same shop I worked at last year) and increase my stock for Heartmade.  I have applied to do a big Christmas market at the end of the year and should hear whether or not I have been accepted by next month.  If I have, I'll need to spend hours creating enough items to fill my stall for a week.  {{smiles}}

I find it quite thrilling to have my hands full. . .I find a deep satisfaction in being busy and accomplishing a great many things.  I love having a plan for each day and feeling as if I have purpose.  However, I am careful to give each day to the Lord so that He would shape my time to bring glory and honour to His name.

I love the time I have at home.  On the days I am not working (I usually work Wednesdays/Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), I find true joy in being involved in the daily grind.  Often I will run errands for my mom and take a sister or two along for some quality time.  Ah, the perk of (finally) being able to drive. . . 
Other days I'll pop Caleb in the pram and take him for a nice, long walk to the park for some fresh air and exercise.  We love spending time together which is truly precious considering there is almost twenty years between the two of us.

Thus, in the midst of the difficulty of being without Dad and adjusting to a whole new way of life, among many other things, I am finding a peace and joy in the ordinary.  My heart is filled with thankfulness and I praise the Lord for the way He is working in our lives.
The final picture has yet to be revealed and some days it feels as if the paint is simply smudging, but we rest in knowing the Father has us in the palm of His mighty hand and will never let us go.

Blessings and love to you, dear readers. . .
Have a blessed, peaceful Sunday tomorrow. . . 

I hope to pop in again next week with a few pictures of a certain little person's 2nd birthday party!  {{smiles}} 

Oh, and be sure to visit Heartmade's very own Facebook page right over here!