^Sofia, Rebekah and Gabrielle posing for a picture on an icy cold Saturday morning at the local farmer's market...
^Yes, Caleb probably needs a haircut...but oh, none of us can bear the idea of chopping those precious golden curls!
Outside my window...
Even though it is now 6:30am, it is still black as pitch outside.
There is a strong, warm wind blowing, making it unpleasantly hot and uncomfortable for a July day...
Thankfully, it is snug and cosy indoors and I am enjoying a little peace and quiet before the day begins...
I'm listening to...
Lately I have been enjoying listening to The Tenor's whilst going about my daily tasks or when I am cooking, much to the delight of one younger sister in particular. {{smiles}}
I also love soundtracks and have been listening to those from Pearl Harbor, Braveheart and How to Train Your Dragon.
I have not seen these films so cannot recommend them, but the music is beautiful and I enjoy having them on when I sit down to write or read blog posts...
I'm thankful for...
New opportunities and beginnings...
Sweet memories...
Having Dad home for almost two months...
Daily walks with a few of my siblings and Dad...
From my kitchen...
I confess that I haven't been all that creative in the kitchen of late...
I think there has been a bit too much going on and taking up my attention.
I have been making homemade Chai tea which is perfect way to warm up on a chilly winter's afternoon...recipe to follow soon! ♥
I am wearing...
I have actually been up since 4:30am (story to follow) and have already had coffee with my parents.
They decided they'd go back to bed for a few more winks of sleep, but I knew that if I did that, I wouldn't be able to get up come 6:30, so I am currently in my pajamas {{gasps}} writing this!
Around the house...
This morning I awoke at 4:30 to the sound of activity coming from somewhere in the house...
Upon getting up to inspect, I found my mom and dad mopping up water in the bathroom - apparently a pipe had burst and little Rebekah heard the noise so she could thankfully wake someone up!
In my cup...
Just a short while ago, it was coffee. Ah...my favourite.
I am watching...
Life in our home has been a whirlwind of activity since I got home, so I haven't been watching very much of late...
I did, however, treat myself to a movie the other evening and sat down to watch
A United Kingdom which I had been wanting to see for awhile.
What a beautiful story and certainly well worth a watch...
One of my favourite things...
Having Dad home has been such a sweet blessing.
He is definitely one of my favourite things this month! {{Smiles}}
I am reading...
Oh dear, nothing at all I am afraid...
Do children's picture books count? I have been looking after a three year old little girl twice a week and one of our favourite things to do is read stories!
Little Caleb also loves books which is something we encourage, so whenever he asks us to read, we make a point of stopping whatever we are doing to read to him...
I am hoping...
...to keep up with more regular writing...
...to walk every day...
...to embrace every day as a gift...
...to cherish each member of my family and to keep them close...
I am creating...
Not much at present, I am afraid. I have yet to sew anything new since my trip to China.
However I am sure I will remedy this soon as my my mom has asked if I could sew two new peasant tops for her...{{Smiles}}
For the love of words...
I read these beautiful words on a lovely blog I follow recently...
I just have to share this quote with you...I know it will inspire you as it inspired me!
"The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as
it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the
beauty of life lies."
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Quiet moments...
...in this house? {{winks}}
Right now it is blissfully quiet and I am cherishing every second.
Soon a new day will be underway.
There will be dishes to wash, floors to be swept, washing to be hung...
There will be no peace till everyone is once again tucked up in bed and the lights are off.
But oh, I am thankful for this noisy household and the joy and laughter each day with this family brings.
It may not always be pleasant or all that exciting, but the Lord is present in our home, working in the hearts of all who dwell here and leading them closer to Him.
What is happening in your world, lovely readers...?
Happy weekend, dear readers...
Thank you for stopping in and leaving me such sweet notes. It is a true joy to count you as friends...
Blessings and love in Christ!
P.S. Thank you to my dear friend, Elizabeth, who allowed me to use her format for this daybook post.
Do stop in for a cup of tea with her at Ponderings from the Inglenook...I know your heart will be blessed and encouraged by her gracious and uplifting blog.