Wednesday, 10 June 2020

in my world ~ june

^My sweet new kitten, Tabitha ♥

^After four weeks, Oscar is still unwilling to accept the new addition to our family.  Sigh.

~ outside my window ~
It is pouring with rain...after a few unusually warm days, cold weather is predicted for the next while, and I am beyond thrilled.
I do so love cosy weather!

 ~ in my cup ~
Strong hot coffee, of course.  {{smiles}}

~ around the house ~
 As usual, we have several projects on the go. 
Mom is sewing pyjamas and leggings for everyone, Nancy is creating a play kitchen and fridge for the children from cardboard boxes, and the rest of us are trying to recover and reorganise ourselves after a big reshuffle of the bedrooms on Sunday!

~ reading ~
I am currently reading an Amish book called, A Sister's Hope by Wanda Brunstetter, but I can't  say I am enjoying it very much...  
I am still anxiously awaiting the arrival of the books which I ordered at the beginning of May, including another one by Miss Read!

~ listening to ~
At the moment I am listening to a lot of hymns sung by Chris Rice...  I find my heart uplifted by the words of truth in the old hymns.
Great is Thy Faithfulness is one I am clinging to at the moment.

~ watching ~
We just finished a series called Living with the Amish.  In this six episode series, six British teenagers are invited to spend six weeks staying with various Amish and Mennonite families between Pennsylvania and Ohio.  
It was lovely to get a peak into the lives of the Amish and we found ourselves inspired in our quest for a simpler, quieter life.  

~ from the kitchen ~
I continue to do most of the cooking.  Lately I have been cooking a lot of double meals to free up a few of my afternoons.  However, cooking double for a large family means I need to quadruple a recipe!  {{smiles}}

~ creating ~
With so much filling each day, I am not finding time to be creative, but I have enjoyed teaching "my" children (in case you didn't know, I am an au pair and teach sewing to the children I help with) some patchwork and applique lately, which they have loved.

~ in the garden ~
 With Winter just around the corner, my garden has been slowing down, and only salad greens, a few herbs and peas are growing well.  Most of my brassicas were annihilated by caterpillars, but thankfully there are still a few plants intact...  Otherwise, the sweet potatoes and beetroot are growing steadily.

~ out and about ~
Now that we have moved to level 3 of lockdown, restriction of movement has been lifted slightly, which means we can walk at any time of the day.
We have enjoyed meeting friends in the forest and at the dam for a walk and hope to get some cycling in too!

~ hoping ~
With a few seasons in life drawing to a close and new possibilities on the horizon, I am hoping that things will become clear soon.  Patience is definitely not one of my virtues.

~ one of my favourite things ~
Having my sweet kitty, Tabitha, sleep on my bed each night.  I love waking up to find her still fast asleep next to me the next morning.  ♥

~ thankful for ~
Being able to go for a long, refreshing walk on the beach on the weekend.
It was really quite cold and windy, but it didn't bother us in the least.  It felt wonderful to feel the sand beneath our feet and breathe in the fresh ocean air after nine weeks of not being allowed on our beautiful beaches.

~ quiet moments ~
Not too many of those...I find myself enjoying the strangest times of peace such as when I am in the car driving down the road to work, or when I get up to make coffee for Mom and I each morning.

~ for the love of words ~
Each morning I love reading Spurgeon's morning devotional.
This was yesterday's reading...
"The deeper our troubles, the louder our thanks to God, who has led us through all, and preserved us until now. Our griefs cannot mar the melody of our praise, we reckon them to be the bass part of our life's song, "He hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad."

~ thinking of ~
June 7th marked the 3 year anniversary of the fire which destroyed our home...
It is amazing to look back upon something so terrible, and see how the Lord's hand rested upon us and how He has provided for us...  
We have seen miracle after miracle over the past few years, and now trust Him for another one...
If you think of it, please pray for our family as we face another difficult situation...
Pray for guidance, pray for provision, and pray that we would remain strong.

Happy June, dear friends!
Now that we are halfway through the year of 2020, what have the first six months of this year taught you?

For me, I have realised how fleeting life on earth truly is, and how vitally important it is to keep an eternal perspective...
I have also learnt that my trust needs to be in Christ alone, and that we cannot look to man for provision.
The Lord continues to work in my life and draw me closer to Himself, and I am thankful for His patience and grace.

Thank you for stopping by, sweet friends. 
Your visits brighten my day!

With much love,

Sunday, 7 June 2020

in which we celebrate a birthday

 Morning lovely readers and blessings to you on this beautiful new day...
It has certainly been awhile since I last shared something here.
Life in a big family is usually a whirlwind of activity, but throw in a few new pets and a job which keeps me on my toes, and time for blogging seems to be quite rare these days.

June began with Rebekah's birthday....
This lovely young lady is now eleven years old...

^It was wonderful to do a quick photo shoot in the forest and capture a few pictures of our birthday girl.

 We are so thankful for the easing of some lockdown restrictions which means we can now walk at any time of the day...  
 To celebrate Rebekah's special day, we thought it would be lovely to go for a walk in the forest and let the little ones do a scavenger hunt before having a quiet picnic lunch together.
Afterwards we came home for tea and cake.

We chose a woodland theme for the picnic and cake which seemed fitting seeing as we chose to celebrate with a simple picnic in the forest... 


How wonderful it is to be part of a big family...even a simple picnic in the forest feels like a party.

The day before I baked a chocolate cake which I cut, stacked and iced to look like a log.
Nancy created the sweetest woodland creatures from icing to decorate the cake with.
She also added bunting and little roses...

 ^I love this little hedgehog!

 ^Oh, and isn't this wee owl the sweetest?

We had such a lovely day celebrating Rebekah's life and made some wonderful memories...  
I love that the simplest of celebrations really are the sweetest.

May the week ahead be blessed!