Tuesday, 14 September 2021

in my world ~ september

23 weeks along with our sweet baby boy...

 Cuddles with Fletch...

the world outside ~

 I have just come home after from taking our sweet new puppy, Fletch, for a walk down the road...lessons on the leash have commenced...

We had gentle rain in the night which has left the world around us feeling sparkly clean...

There is something so peaceful about an overcast morning.


 around the house ~

I am enjoying establishing more of a cleaning routine which means I can pace myself better...these days I don't have much energy.

in my cup ~

Earlier it was coffee. 

reading ~ 

I finally finished Miss Read's Over the Gate, and am now working my way through a rather heavy, but fascinating non-fiction book called Childbirth Without Fear which several of my friends recommended I read...

watching ~

After working our way through four seasons of Poldark, we lost interest...but on one or two rainy afternoons, I decided to watch a few episodes of season 5...I have to find out what happens.  {{Smiles}}

listening to ~

I have been enjoying listening to David Phelps' Hymnal again...so uplifting.

I also enjoy singing while busy with the dishes or cooking supper...

in the kitchen ~

As with household chores, I am becoming better at meal planning and cooking double meals so as to give me time to tackle some sewing the next day...or take a nap.

We eat a lot of soups and stews, and have also made it our tradition to have homemade hamburgers on a Friday evening.  They are absolutely delicious!

in the garden ~

Spring is here and there are new leaves on the fruit trees we planted last month...

And finally things are starting to grow...I sowed the first of my seeds last week...marrows, beans, gem squash and some salad things like radish and lettuce...

out and about ~

We have been out of town a couple times lately...first for an ultrasound which revealed we are expecting a baby boy.  Oh, how precious it was to see our little one moving about and receive some pictures for our scrapbook...

 A week later we drove two hours away to pick up our new Border Collie puppy, Fletch.  We stopped at my family on the way home to introduce them to the new member of our family and to share supper with them...


 creating ~

While in town, I stopped at the quilt and fabric shop to pick up a couple pieces of fabric for Baby's quilt.  I have started cutting the blocks out, but keeping Fletch stimulated and out of trouble means I don't have all that much time for sewing at the moment!

I have found a few other things I want to make for our little boy...hoping to share these projects as I complete them... 


quiet moments ~

My husband, who is a bladesmith, has started creating videos for his YouTube channel...  He recently had two students on course and made a video (watch it here) to show other potential students what they can expect from his courses...  He works on these videos in the evenings, and I enjoy sipping a cup of tea and reading a book while he is busy...or cuddling our puppy.

thankful for ~

Having found an amazing midwife to assist with our baby's birth...


thinking of ~ 

 How quickly the days are going by...in just a few weeks we will be holding our baby boy in our arms.

hoping ~ 

To send off some new stock of reindeer, Miss Lettice Rabbits, snuggle bunnies and birdy tea towels to the one shop I supply with my handmade items... 

 one of my favourite things ~

Taking Fletch to a nearby field for a good run....  My husband enjoys archery, so often he'll take his bow and arrow with and do some target practice...  I love walking with him to retrieve his arrows, talking all the while and soaking up the beautiful scenery...


for the love of words ~

My sister, Gabrielle, shared this beautiful quote on her blog the other day...and I just had to share it too...

"Happiness is the result of an attitude of mind. I believe we can build it out of small things."

- Miss Read
Happy Spring, sweet friends...
May September be a beautiful month for you!

Do share what is happening in your corner of the world...it is always a delight hearing from my lovely readers!


Wednesday, 8 September 2021

we're having a...

We are having a little boy!

We are absolutely delighted...22 weeks down, 18 to go before we meet our sweet baby boy...