Wednesday, 12 October 2022

in my world ~ October

It would seem that my last in my world update, was in October 2021!

While I was still pregnant with Nicholas, it felt like the days and weeks just d r a g g e d by, but having a little one to care for makes time feel like a blur.

Nicholas is actually taking an early nap right and I am sipping coffee and recovering from (yet another) very early start to the day, and having a now almost nine month old who just wants to have me help him walk everywhere and play with him from the moment he opens his eyes each day.  I may am an early bird, but 5:20 is too early even for me, especially if there is a massive poop diaper involved.

Before I ramble away this precious nap time, let me begin my first in my world post in a whole year...

^Those to love chubby babies!

^I love everything about these pictures...the glee on his precious little round face, the chubby feet stretched out, and the too tight corduroy pants.  

^Since when did he become such a little man?

^Cappuccino foam mustache.  My heart.

outside my window

Birds and greenery galore.  Spring is in full swing, and my soul delights in how green and vibrant the world around me is right now.

in my cup

As previously mentioned, coffee.  My second cup for the day and it is only 8:30.   Don't judge me, mama life is crazy and sometimes you got to do what you got to do.  {{smiles}}

around the house

I have settled into a good cleaning routine and find it best to just do as much as possible while Nicholas naps, because it is virtually impossible trying to get anything achieved when he's awake.  He is so close to crawling, and will also pull himself up on whatever he is nearest to, so I am realising I need to move things and make our home a bit safer for a baby who is on the move.


I just finished The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery and I think it may be one of my favourite books of all time and perhaps even surpass my love for her Anne books...  I couldn't put it down. 

Before that I read At Home in Thrush Green.  Honestly, all Miss Read's books are delightful and a treasure to get my hands on.

listening to

A lot of 70's soul music...  I find it relaxing at the end of the day and helps slow me down and enjoy our evening routine more.

in the kitchen

Have I ever mentioned how much I love having a man to cook for? Honestly, he is so appreciative and complimentary about pretty much whatever I make, that cooking is an absolute joy.  I have found quite a few new favourite recipes lately which I really need to share.  I tried my hand at making pita bread the other day, and I am obsessed!

in the garden

My poppies are just about blooming!  And there are strawberries and blackberries coming too...I'm hoping the birds don't get to them first, though.  Our peach trees seem to have some sort of disease, so I am going to need to do a bit of research on how to fix that...

out and about

Hubby recently took our little family out to a nearby farm stall for a bite to eat.  They had chickens, rabbits and ducks and a fluffy ginger cat Nicholas wouldn't leave alone.  This boy loves animals - they always make him smile so big!


Do toddler crafts count?  I don't get too much time for being creative at the moment, but I have been trying out crafts for my arts and crafts classes each week which has been fun!

thankful for

Nicholas has been sleeping so much better at night.  Usually he only wakes once for a feed.  It may change again, but I have enjoyed getting a bit more shut eye than usual, even if it means we start our days at just after five.

thinking of

Going away to the seaside for two nights next week.  We are taking my sister along to help with Nicholas so Rucus and I can actually unwind a bit and maybe even go on a date as just the two of us.


To stop in at a couple second hand stores next week and find one or two books for my collection.  I was so upset when The Blue Castle came to an end...I need a new book to read in the evenings!

one of my favourite things

Art and crafts classes every Thursday morning.  I started doing these classes almost a month ago and have four, sometimes five, 2, 3 and four year olds each week and we are having a blast!

And there you have it, this is what is happening in my world in October...


And how are you, sweet friends?  Drop me a note in the comments below, or pop me an email at  I would love to hear from you!

Sending love your way!

Monday, 10 October 2022

Nicholas and Friends in Spring and other Spring Ramblings ♥


Just a bit obsessed with this little boy....

...And these glorious Spring days..

There is just something about the arrival of spring that fills me with happiness.  Maybe it's the chorus of the frogs at night...a sweet lullaby to drift off to sleep listening to.  
Or the joyful song of the birds during the day.  There are so many different birds inhabiting our garden this year...Weavers, Robins and Sugar birds, to name but a few.  
I love the pretty butterflies fluttering about from flower to flower, looking too lovely and delicate to be so hard at work.  The crisp, cool mornings and the still chilly nights - I love snuggling under a fluffy blanket as long as possible.  
I always feel hopeful in the springtime...the blossoming of the trees remind me of the sweet new life that follows the gloom of winter.  
I want to spend all my time out of doors soaking up the warmth of the still mild sunshine and breathing in the sweet aroma of the clean air.  Nicholas spends many hours each day outside on his playmate or in the same pit.  Or we will go for a walk or practice his standing and crawling on the grass.  These are glorious days, and I am constantly chattering away about this tiny wildflower, or that happy bird.  I stop and pick flowers on almost every walk, or pause to snap a picture.  
One can't help but smile in spring.  
I find springtime so inspiring and my head feels like it may burst with all the ideas that are occupying my thoughts.
This year I have sown flowers in my little garden...poppies, cosmos and flax are just beginning to show their baby leaves, and I have hopes of also planting zinnias and sunflowers and other cheery flowers.

What do you love most about Spring?  

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Nicholas' Eight Month Update

 Before yet another month goes by, I thought I should share an update on how little Nicholas is doing...

Nicholas is now eight and a half months old, and I feel like he has changed dramatically in the last six weeks or so...

He is desperately trying to get moving...he will go onto his hands and knees and can scoot backwards, but he's not crawling yet.  He can pull himself up, though, and will "walk" holding our hands, or just stand holding onto something for hours each day.  

I have a feeling this boy is going to skip crawling altogether...

He can now say "Dada", "Mama" and "Baba", but not in context yet.  He also started waving hello last month which is so precious.!

We have started experiencing some separation anxiety...  Even though Nicholas is still a very friendly and smiley little guy, he's not too eager to go to just anyone anymore, and doesn't like it if I hold another baby or do anything which means he doesn't get my full attention.  

He is just fitting into 18-24 month clothing which is crazy.  I have no idea what he weighs, but he's growing, no doubt about that!

He is eating three meals a day with a snack somewhere in between, and usually nursing twice in every wake window.  This boy loves his food and is still breastfed.  Breastfeeding is really not fun anymore as he wriggles and pulls off the whole time, and even though he doesn't have teeth yet, he has bitten me.

Nicholas is very busy...from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning or after a nap, he is on the go, and this mama is struggling to keep up!  I still take him out as often as possible to keep him stimulated, and he is outside for a good few hours each day, whether it be on his play mat with his stacking cups and plastic tea set, or in the sand pit, or in his pram for a walk, he gets lots of sunshine and fresh air.  

He actually had his first swim on Sunday which he absolutely loved!

In terms of sleep, things are still pretty inconsistent.  After we got back from our trip, we started sleep training for night wakings and nap time because we were co-sleeping and he was waking sometimes eight times a night and nursing whenever he wanted to.   I just wasn't coping anymore.

Some nights he will wake at 11pm and cry for an hour (I check in on him every so often), other nights he will sleep till 2 or 3am before waking for a feed.  
And we have even had a few 9, or like last night, ten hour stretches, which has been amazing!  
Nicholas is an early bird, but thankfully summer is coming and we don't really mind getting up early.

Usually he only takes two naps a day, and he will go down by himself which is a game changer for us.  Some days he will do one or two long naps or 1 hour +, other days, like today, he woke after 35 minutes and I had to go in and get him down again.  

His wake windows are about 2 hours and 45 minutes to three hours long now, except between his last nap and bedtime, which can sometimes be four hours, depending on what time he woke from his second nap.

At the moment, Nicholas loves...

Eating raisins.  He can pick them up beautifully and will even transfer a raisin from his left hand to his right hand.  

Having Mommy sing 'Pat-a-Cake' and help him do the actions.

"Walking" with Mommy and Daddy's help.

Playing with Fletch or holding onto him and standing.

Bath time

Riding in his new big boy car seat

I can't believe that our baby is already almost nine months old...

I love having a little boy around and even though I am sad he is growing up, I am enjoying this stage and cherishing each moment.


Happy October, dear friends!

How are things in your corner of the world this month?