Monday, 11 September 2023

we took a road trip//part 2

If you haven't yet read part one, go over here to do that:)

And a quick warning...this is a picture heavy enjoy!

All three of us barely slept on Saturday night.  Nicholas kept waking every 15 minutes or so and I think Rucus and I eventually got some shut eye when I just pulled Nicholas into the bed with me, which was around 2:30am.  We had actually gotten up at midnight and packed for an hour or so in the hopes that being up for a bit would tire Nicholas.

 The next morning we finished packing, said goodbye to everyone, and headed to Irene Farm where we met Rucus' dad and stepmother...

I wish we could go back to this beautiful farm!

So many lovely spots for pictures...

We had a lovely, relaxed breakfast with them and we all walked around and let Nicholas look at the cows, play on the old tractors, and took some sweet family pictures.  

These two have my heart.

This cheeky boy...  He had such a fun morning!

Nicholas loved walking around and seeing all the calves...

I must just add here that I feel so blessed by the love Rucus' family have shown to me.  Even though we haven't known each other very long and seldom get to visit, they make me feel so welcome and a part of their family.

I love all the family pictures we got...and it was truly special to see how much Nicholas and his Oupa (Afrikaans for "Grandpa" - Rucus' family are Afrikaans) enjoyed one another.

Nicholas with his "Oupa".

I am so proud to call this man my husband.  We have been married almost 2.5 years and I am so thankful for each moment.

He keeps life interesting!

We left the farm around 1pm and started the journey home.  We got to Bloemfontein late that evening and checked into a lovely guest house which was so welcome after a long, exhausting few days.  We all slept so well and felt ready to start the last leg of the journey the following morning.

The last couple hours in the car were rough.  Rucus and I switched places and he sat in the back and played with Nicholas for a bit to just give me a break from the constant entertaining I was doing to keep Nicholas from screaming and trying to break free from his car seat.  We were all so over driving and wanted to get HOME!

Ahh, it was soo good to come home and sleep in our own beds again.  It took us over a week to recover, unpack and get back to normal.  And poor Rucus came down with a nasty cold to make things worse.

I am so thankful we got to go with Rucus to the show this year.  It was such a special experience, despite it being extremely challenging with a toddler in the mix.  I love looking at all the pictures and remembering each moment...only the good things remain.

I hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride.  I love sharing about trips we do - it is so much fun to look back and remember how special it was.

Love, Kelly