Thursday, 15 September 2016

Thursday Pearls


 "I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not on our circumstances.” 

 ~ Martha Washington


 "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  ~ Philippians 4:11, KJV

 Thursday Blessings, dear readers...


  1. Amen for this my friend! I always love you Thursday post :)

  2. This was lovely, Kelly-Anne! {{smiles}}

  3. This is a good truth to remember! <3 It's so easy to fall into the trap of having a bad attitude.

  4. So very true! It's definitely a mindset. Happy day. To you, Kelly-Anne!

  5. Beautiful "Pearls" of Wisdom. Sometimes it's hard to be content but I'm learning.

  6. Oh, what a wonderful quote by Martha Washington, and it's so true. If we live according to our circumstances, we will not be happy. We must make a choice to be joyful in all circumstances, which means a change in our disposition. And of course, it's all about contentment in the Lord, who controls all things. Sorry it's been so long, dear Kelly-Anne, but it's so nice to visit with you today. Hugs, sweet friend!

  7. Great advice.

  8. Hello dear Kelly-Anne! So happy to have time today to stop for a visit with you! I've got my tea cup filled with hot tea, on this cool rainy day, and it gives me great joy to stop by today for a "virtual" visit! Such true words you have shared today... our contentment can never be in things, for we do not have any guarantees in this life... but if our contentment comes from HIM... why we are rich ALWAYS! We just need to remind ourselves to look to Him, and not around us for the things we need :) Hugs and love sent to you today dear friend!


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