Thursday, 17 November 2016

Thursday Pearls

  "How can one family affect anything?
One person battling away to put selfish interests aside,
to put other people before herself or himself, even for a fraction of time, day by day, how could that help?
. . . One family and the children of that family can do marvellous things to affect the world or devastating things to destroy it."
-Edith Schaeffer

"Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  ~ Proverbs 22:6

Sweet blessings on this beautiful Thursday, dear readers...  
May the Lord fill you with His perfect peace and joy as you strive to walk in His way and bring glory to His name through all you do...

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Happy Mail, Cuddles with Caleb & a Sweet Outing

Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big things.” 

 ~ Kurt Vonnegut 


 It was a beautiful crisp and misty morning when we left the farm for an outing to a nearby playground and coffee shop with the four younger girls and little Caleb...

We decided to run a few errands in town first, one being a quick stop by the post office so as to collect our mail...  What should be awaiting us but a gorgeous, love-filled package from a sweet friend in Virginia and the latest Above Rubies magazines which we have been anticipating for awhile now!  {{happy sigh}}

It always amazes me how a letter from a dear friend can bring such joy to your heart and keep you smiling for days afterwards!  I decided to save my beautiful letter for home where I could smile over it with a cup of tea...I even drew out the suspense by tidying my room first!  {{smiles}}

I must tell you what my sweet friend, Ashleigh, sent me as a delightful early birthday gift...the first season of Tales from Avonlea!  Oh my...I could not believe my eyes!  What thoughtfulness...I am so looking forward to watching this charming series for the first time, along with my mother and sisters!  To say that Ashleigh made my day with her kindness would be an understatement...I simply had to share the joy with you!

This week I wrote about letter writing and I would like to once again encourage you to take up the glorious art!  Not only will you be blessed, but you will bring happiness to someone through a note showing love, concern and kindness.  The Lord has been so gracious as to bring special people into my life, most of whom I have never actually met in marvellous is that?  {{smiles}}

On the way to the play farm, I picked up some more fabric from the material shop...oh, I cannot wait to show you all that I have been busy with in my sewing room seems there are just never enough hours in the day for sewing!  {{smiles}}

And now I must show you a few of the photographs I took today whilst out with my dear mom, younger sisters and baby brother.  It is so important to enjoy just being around one another...too often I become so caught up in the busyness of life and work that I forget to take time to smell the roses along the way and embrace the beauty of being home...

Although Caleb is just six months old, he has already begun exploring the world around him and cannot sit still for even a moment...he is one busy boy, that is for sure!
How wonderful it is to view the world through his eyes; so fresh and glorious....  It won't be long till he is walking about on his own, but right now it is quite intense with him just wanting to touch or grab whatever he lays his eyes on or worse, put it in his mouth!  Ah...but these moments are precious and fly by all too quickly...


What joy to pose for pictures with my darling baby brother!  Mom took these and did a lovely job of them too, don't you think?  {{Smiles}} What is it like having a brother that is over 19 years younger than you?  Wonderful...just wonderful!!

^ Beth and Sofia...

^ What joy...Gabrielle unwrapping her little package...

^ Aww, Rebekah's sweet face just says it all..

Ashleigh was sweet enough to include a little gift for each of my sisters too...and they were overjoyed as you can well imagine...

^ Smiles...

^ Caleb with his adoring sister, Gabrielle

^ Rebekah...

^ precious they are indeed!

^ Pure delight...Caleb enjoys the swing

^ ...And the slide...  Big sister Rebekah holds him close

^Little Sofia poses for a picture...  What do you think of her darling new haircut?   

And so a most enjoyable morning of picture taking, gift unwrapping, coffee drinking and watching little ones have fun playing on the playground, we returned home to a lovely lunch and naps...  

Happiest of weekends to you, dear friends!
Thank you for being so faithful to stop by and even leave me a kind is a joy to have you along for the journey! 

With joy in Christ,

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Thursday Pearls

"Maturity starts with the willingness to give oneself.
Childishness is characterized by self-centeredness.
It is only the emotionally and spiritually mature who are
able to lay down their for others, those who are "masters of
themselves that they might be the servants of others."

The specific ways in which the great principle of the cross
works in daily living are expressed most perfectly in the Love
Chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. Here we find proof of the
stark and sacrificial rather than emotional character
of love. Christian love is an action."

~ Elisabeth Elliot

Happiest of Thursdays, sweet readers...

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Thoughts on Letter Writing {Repost}

"Writing letters is the purest form of friendship
we humans can possibly express.
We capture ourselves in a moment,
and then we give that moment away to someone else."

 ~ Anonymous

Letter writing is a something I take great pleasure in!
Thus, you can imagine my disappointment when I asked where I would find the writing paper in the store the other day and the lady replied that they no longer stocked writing paper...   
"No one writes these days..."  She said.  How very sad...
In days gone by, letters were the only means of communication, now we have the blessing of not only talking on our phones and texting, we have the internet which allows us to email and message in a  matter of mere seconds!

Oh, I do love having the is a true blessing and I have made the most precious, thoughtful friends through blogging...  How lovely it is to type an email and know it will be read just a little while later and perhaps even replied to on the very same day...
However, it saddens my heart to see how folks these days are out of touch with many of the beautiful, simple practices of old such as letter writing...
Writing letters is an art, and presentation is just as important as the contents of a letter, in my opinion...

 I realise that many of us don't have too much time for writing long letters by hand, but might I encourage you to set aside a little time every so often and put a bit of love on paper, decorate with some pretty goodies from your collection and seal it in a lovely envelope to bless someone's day...?
It is delightful to discover a handwritten letter in the mailbox in amongst bills and such, and just imagine the smile your sweet note will put on another's face!
Writing letters is a beautiful way to minister to others and share the love of Christ...
I have a few very dear friends whom I write to quite regularly, and who write back!   
Some I have never even met before...  This is oh, so very special...  
Isn't it wonderful that a simple thing such as a handwritten letter, can bring such joy...?

Thank you for stopping by today, my sweet friends...I am always touched by your kind visits!
I have a delightful surprise up my sleeve which I will share within the next few days, so do stay tuned!  {{Smiles}}
Happy Tuesday! 

Saturday, 5 November 2016

♥Country Diary Entry ~ November♥

A glimpse into my November
A glimpse into my day...

This morning I sipped a hot cup of coffee outside while sitting talking with my mom and was a truly breath-taking morning and one simply could not waste it by being indoors...
After working on a blog post and spending a few moments with my baby brother, I started some sewing (which I have fallen quite behind in)...I have an owl doorstop to complete today among other things...{{Smiles}}
It is chilly and overcast today and it appears that some rain might bless our land a bit later on.

^ Rebekah cuddling her hen, Edith...


I am so excited to have found When Calls the Heart as well as the Love Comes Softly series on YouTube!  When sewing reindeer paw pads or filling an elephant with stuffing, I love watching episodes of a lovely series!

 What I am Reading...

I am reading the last book in The Heritage of Lancaster County by Beverly Lewis called, The Reckoning and staying up much too late at night enjoying just one more chapter...

^ Sofia and Caleb

Listening to...

I rediscovered a beautiful music DVD in our collection this week...  It is the Classic David Phelps concert and oh my, we have been listening to it whenever possible!  Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved the incredible tenor voice of David Phelps...  My favourite song on the record is The Dream and you can listen to it below...I know it will richly bless you heart too.


I have begun sewing my fabric Christmas trees again!  {{Smiles}}  This time I altered my pattern somewhat to make the trees a little bigger.  I hope to share the tutorial with you closer to Christmas as I know you'll enjoy creating a few as well...  
And if you would like to share a Christmas themed post, craft, recipe or sewing tutorial with my readers in a guest post in the month of December, please do not hesitate to send me an email...I'd love to hear from you!

Dreaming of...

 An upcoming two-night family getaway...  A possible Christmas tea party with old friends...

^ Gabrielle amidst the poppies...

In the Garden...

I am amazed at how wonderful that garden is looking!  In less than a month, everything I planted back in early Spring has doubled or even tripled in size and harvesting our first courgettes is a mere few days away!  We've built tripods for our gem squash and cucumbers, spent hours weeding and thinning and replanted many crops.  I spend close to an hour and a half watering each day, so the occasional rainy day is very welcome as you can well imagine! 
I hope to share pictures of our vegetable garden in a separate post within the next few days, so do stay tuned...
Thankful for... 

A sweet friend whom I was blessed to visit with yesterday...  Little Caleb who cut his first tooth this week...  The garden that is growing ever so beautifully...  Time spent with those I love most, my sisters...

Happy November to you, sweet friends!
What is happening in your world this month?  

New items in the Etsy shoppe... 

Red Fabric Christmas Tree...

 Pink Floral Christmas Tree...

 Red and White Fabric Christmas Tree...

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

A Very Springy Tea Party...


You are cordially invited to a tea party, dear readers...
Not just any tea party, but a Spring tea party for ladies both young and old!
Please don your prettiest and most colourful skirts or dresses and bring a plate of
delicious eats along to share with all who are gathered...

As I mentioned some time ago, my sisters and I hosted a delightful Spring tea on the 16th of September.  It was our desire to have both the older and younger girls join us for a wonderfully festive occasion...

If you have been reading my blog for awhile...or if you were a reader of my previous blog, Beautiful Girlhood, you will know that tea parties are cherished events in our home and we thought it would be a special way to celebrate the arrival of this glorious season whilst enjoying tea and fellowship with one another...

We love anything vintage and beautiful, so naturally we incorporated this into our table decor...Nancy and I have quite a lovely collection of teacups and thus we were able to set the table with our beautiful mismatched treasures.
The teapots belong to both my mom and I...  I actually splashed out and bought a new one for the is now in my special collection.  {{smiles}}
We did not have to buy much at all, improvising here and there...  We were short on sugar bowls, so we used mini pink teacups instead...a friend even helped us out by lending her teaspoons to us for the occasion, thank goodness as we were hopelessly short on cutlery!  {{smiles}}
The flowers were grown right in our garden and picked and arranged by Nancy...  I found some pretty serviettes in my hope chest which were perfect for the occasion while the tablecloths were made from gorgeous rose fabric that had been given to us.
It is possible to host an event without spending too much...we knew we wanted to invite a lot of girls, not wanting to leave anyone out, so we realised we would have to be careful to plan and be willing to make do with what we had.  It all came together so perfectly on the day, praise the Lord for this!

I also made a pretty butterfly bunting from paper and hung teacups and small vases of flowers with lace and ribbon from the created such a stunning effect!  You can see pictures of this idea in this post.

The morning of the party, I awoke to pouring rain...  We had planned to have our tea party outside on the porch, so this was not a good start!  I hoped and prayed it would clear up, but after breakfast things were not looking good.  I began to feel very despondent and wondered what we could do...our house is fairly large, but certainly not for such a big group of girls.  Also, as I did not intend to have the party indoors, I hadn't spent too much time neatening up the living room.
It was then that my dad sent me a text message, reminding me to trust in the Lord for it was His occasion and He knew how it would turn out...  I went to shower and get dressed for the party and surrendered to the Lord...  
As I began baking the snacks, I noticed a bit more light coming in through the window and that the rain had ceased...

By 10:30am, the weather was bright and glorious!  We could not have wished for a more beautiful day for the tea party and all the girls could wear their dresses without shivering.
At one stage, it began to get hot quite outside!  How great is our God?  He even cares about simple things such as a tea parties...

All ready for a splendid morning of tea and fellowship...

Our delicious strawberry sponge cake and centre piece, lovingly made by my sister, Nancy.  I love the little paper bunting she finished it off with...

Miss R dipped strawberries and figs in chocolate before dusting with crushed nuts.  She then arranged them ever so beautifully on a plate, along with other fruit and chocolate...I was thoroughly impressed by the creative efforts of all the girls!

These chocolate brownies were baked by lovely Miss E and arranged, along with the pink meringues, by her creative younger sister, Miss A.  I love this idea and hope to replicate it next time I need to make a tray of sweet treats for an occasion...

Jasmine...from the garden.  Actually, all the flowers were from our garden and really beautified our table...

Before we enjoyed our tea, we played two delightful games...  One was pass the parcel which I happen to be a particular fan of!  {{smiles}}  
I controlled the music which was Vivaldi's Spring whilst snapping pictures here and there.  Each of the girls had a turn to open a layer of the beautifully wrapped parcel...  
Our parcel was somewhat different to the norm as I wanted to include a special gift for each girl with the loveliest present, a beautifully decorated box for earrings or the like, being in the final layer.

Nancy contributed a few pairs of her gorgeous crocheted earrings as well as beaded bracelets and I made a few lace headbands...I also found a couple small gifts while out shopping which included pretty tissues, a bar of chocolate and flavoured tea... 
Each layer of the parcel was wrapped in different vintage gift wrap I had on hand...
This game was a fabulous way to get started and we all enjoyed it very much!

The next game was poetry in motion and produced some wonderful laughs!  {{smiles}}  
 Each girl was given a sheet of paper and a pen and she had to write a line of poetry before passing it on to the girl on her right.  That girl would then write something to rhyme with the first line before folding over the paper to cover the first line....
The process was repeated until each girl had taken a turn to write a line of poetry on each piece of paper.  The ''poems'' were then read out loud and you can imagine the complete nonsense that was produced!  Oh my, it was a great success!

Miss A unwraps her layer of the package in pass the parcel while Gabrielle looks on...

Miss A excitedly tears at her layer of the wrapping...I wonder what is inside?  {{smiles}}

Miss S concentrates on carefully unwrapping the parcel...

While the girls were reading their ''poems'' out loud {and laughing merrily}, I popped the kettle on to boil and began filling numerous teapots with tea and arranging the eats on a separate table...
Once everything was ready, we filled our plates with homemade goodies, poured tea in our pretty teacups and enjoyed a lunch which consisted of mainly sweet treats!  {{smiles}}  I sipped so much tea, I am sure I drank a whole teapot on my own!  There was plenty of chatting to do, you see!

It would seem everyone had a sweet tooth, for I was the only one to make a platter of savoury eats!  {{Smiles}}

Time for the party...delicious eats, plenty of tea and pleasant chatter...ah, what could be more wonderful?  {{smiles}}

Friends pose for a picture...Miss S and my sister, Beth...

By the time we had munched our way through the tea party food, it was about 1pm which meant we only had a little while longer to enjoy each other's company.  The girls decided to have a round of charades which was hilarious!  The time went by so swiftly, before I looked again, the mothers had arrived to take their daughters home.

Now, I must share with you that by 2pm all the girls had just about left and we had begun to clear the table and tidy up...  Slowly the sky darkened once again, the mist and rain rolled in and we had to change into warmer clothes.  The Lord held off the storm just long enough for us to enjoy our tea party and my heart sang with praise to His glorious name...  His hand was truly upon this lovely event....what a testimony to His grace.

The lovely young ladies who joined us, looking so sweet and feminine in their Spring outfits...  Eighteen girls ranging in ages from 9-19 made up our tea party...

I will treasure these photographs and the memories we made for many years to come.  

I hope that you have been inspired to gather the girls for a special tea party...I can honestly say that you will experience the most blessing.  How true the Word is in saying it is more blessed to give than to receive.  Pray and start planning...surrender your ideas to the Lord and watch Him work...

Be blessed, dear readers...and enjoy these beautiful Spring days!