Thursday, 17 November 2016

Thursday Pearls

  "How can one family affect anything?
One person battling away to put selfish interests aside,
to put other people before herself or himself, even for a fraction of time, day by day, how could that help?
. . . One family and the children of that family can do marvellous things to affect the world or devastating things to destroy it."
-Edith Schaeffer

"Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  ~ Proverbs 22:6

Sweet blessings on this beautiful Thursday, dear readers...  
May the Lord fill you with His perfect peace and joy as you strive to walk in His way and bring glory to His name through all you do...


  1. The power of the family is exactly what the enemy is tearing down and destroying, piece by piece. There will be no peace until the family is put back in its rightful place by the hearts of the people. Your family is a delight, and truly making a difference, that resounds around the world. May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do for HIM!

  2. This was so true, Kelly-Anne! It was really encouraging!

    Don't worry, I will be replying to your email much sooner than last time, have no doubts! {[smiles}} I always love hearing from you!

  3. You do come across such wonderful quotes, Kelly-Anne. What a thoughtful post! May the Lord truly help us all to be of the building-and-affecting-for-good kind of people. How wonderful it is to belong to our Saviour and to have His strength for each step of the journey He has called us to. We truly are blessed! Hugs, Camille

  4. You have a very good point in this post, Kelly-Anne! Often we hear on the news about the terrible things perpetrated by just one person. If only each one of us were as strong a force for good, as those people are for evil.

  5. What a great reminder! Family is so very important. We always say a family that prays together stays together.
    I just enjoy your Thursday Pearls...
    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Kelly-Anne!
    Hugs, Amy


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