Sunday, 30 September 2018

A Story of Grace & New Beginnings

Dear friends...
I have a beautiful story to share with you today; a testimony of God's unfailing love and grace.

I am sure most of you know by now that my dad has been working in China for the past year.
 We saw him in February when he came home for a month long visit and I recently spent a month with him in China.
He came home in July for a seven week holiday - how delightful it was to be together as a family again!
When the time came for him to fly back to China, his long journey wasn't made alone...{{smiles}}

Many of you also know how difficult the time of separation was for our family and how we had been praying for the Lord to make a way for our family to be reunited.
We had explored so many different options over the past months but kept reaching dead end upon dead end.
Eventually we again surrendered this area of our lives to the Lord and decided to wait upon Him for further direction.
Sometime during my month with my dad, the Lord answered the cry of our heart's and made a way for our family in a truly special way...

I will skip through the many details and share with you the wonderful news that the end of August saw my mom and five younger siblings joining my dad in China
Nancy and I have had to remain in South Africa for the time being...
I could write about how this all came about, but that would take much too long.  {{smiles}}

Of course it is true that our family is still be separated - but we know without a shadow of a doubt that this is indeed the Lord leading us and that His will is that Nancy and I remain here for however long He sees fit.

He opened doors for the two of us to rent a small but adequate sized flat in a very nice area - this flat is actually on the property of friends, so we have the added comfort of knowing we are right next door to people we know and trust.
My dad also has that peace of mind knowing we are not completely alone.  
Housing for the rest of the family in China was miraculously taken care of too...

Once my dad was back in the country, he and my mom could take the five younger children to apply for their passports...
Once their passports arrived a few weeks later, we drove to Cape Town to do the visa applications for those going over.  Six days after that the visas were approved and we could earnestly begin selling off household items, moving into our new little flat and packing the suitcases the family would be taking over with them.  
By the grace of God, all this was achieved in approximately three weeks.
It was a stressful, exhausting few weeks to say the least!

Many have asked how our family feel about Nancy and I having to stay here in South Africa.  
We did look into Nancy and I going over too, but at this stage it isn't possible due to the two of us being over eighteen...
We hope to spend a month or two with the family in the new year, though...

^ Dad and I made so many special memories during my recent visit with him in China...

The month I spent in China opened my eyes to just how small the world really is and how possible it is to travel.  Flying across the world alone also gave me the tremendous boost of confidence I really needed!

We are excited about this incredible opportunity for our family.  
Nancy and I feel we are ready for this next step and are truly humbled that the Lord would see fit to reunite my mom and siblings with my dad!
We do not feel scared, but rather at perfect peace with what the Lord is doing in our lives...
And if you read my previous posts on my recent trip to China, you will know how I long to go back.
Having the whole family there will mean another visit in the near future!
Nancy and I will also have enough to keep us busy what with our work and hobbies so I know we won't be bored!  {{smiles}}

^ How I love these girls!

The Lord is working everything together for our good - we look back over the course of the last year and stand all amazed to see His hand in every little detail.  
We know now that that even the fire was in His will for us...

I pray that I might encourage you today - whatever season you may be in...whatever you may be facing...stand firm in your faith. 
The Lord is faithful and He will give you the grace and strength you need for each moment.  
This time last year our world was in total confusion after losing our home in the terrible fires of 2017 and trying to rebuild our lives while facing my dad going to China for work.

Many days we thought we just couldn't take another step...but by God's grace we made it through another year smiling.  
How good the Lord is to us...all the glory to His wonderful name!

We would truly appreciate your prayers as we enter this season of change...♥

With love and joy in Christ,

P.S.  I actually wrote this shortly before our family left...they have been gone for almost six weeks now...  They arrived safely after a long, grueling journey (most of the children and my mom were sick with flu on the flight) and are settling into the rhythm and routine of their new life in a faraway land...
I hope to write another more detailed update soon...♥


  1. Lovely to hear from you, Kelly-Anne!! I loved reading your story. God does have a way of working miracles. :)

    Hugs <3
    ~ Elanor

  2. I have been thinking of you and praying for you and wondering how you are doing. So thankful to hear from you today and to know that all is well with you and your family! God has surely been at work in your lives, and it is just such a blessing to see His plans unfold. I know you must miss your dear family, and I trust the Lord to comfort you and hold you close during those times. Sending much love to you today, sweet friend!

  3. Hi Kelly Anne,

    Ashleigh and I have thought of you and your family so often, and will continue to pray for you all.

    The Lord is watching over you and this new adventure will surely help you grow in trust and faith.

    I hope you will soon be blogging and sharing some of your beautiful craft creations with us all again soon.

    We will keep your family in prayer.

    Hugs to you both

    Shirley and Ashleigh in Virginia

  4. Thank you for the update, Kelly-Anne! I'm so happy to hear that things are going well as you and your family embark on this exciting new chapter in your lives. Do you still have the same mailing address?

  5. Nice to hear from you Kelly-Anne. Glad that you and yours are well. How nice that you and Nancy are living near friends. Will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless All.
    Marion and Marilyn

  6. Kelly-Anne - your posts are always a blessing and encouragement. I love hearing how God is working in your families life, and even more that you see it and are thankful. Thank you for sharing this!

  7. What a wonderful blessing, Kelly-Anne, God is so good and faithful, we just need to trust Him and wait patiently on Him. So many times we run ahead and try to make things happen on our own just to find we've made a mistake. Take care and keep seeking His will and He will work it out for your good.
    Hugs, Sylvia

  8. I praise the Lord for all He has done in your family's lives this past year, He is so good to us! It's so wonderful to hear from you and of what you are up to, I have been praying for you and will continue to! {{smiles}} I love you so much and send many hugs!

  9. What a blessing to read your sweet post, my friend. I am so glad you and your family are well. In fact, when the Peterson's were here in our church they mentioned that your family would be moving. Which reminds me, I hope you got my email about Sam and I finding out we both knew you...such a small world.

    Please know that you are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs to you!


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