Tuesday, 29 January 2019

A Little Life Update

Hello lovely friends and a blessed new year to you...
This past week my sister and I were in Cape Town submitting our visa applications.
We are so excited and thankful that the time has finally come for us to make preparations for visiting our family in China.
We are also so grateful to have been granted 120 day visas for China, so we will be flying out February 19th and only coming home on the 13th of June...

We are counting down the weeks till we are reunited with our family...
It has been a long six months indeed, and the thought that soon we will be able to embrace our loved ones again and enjoy hours of talking and catching up, fills us with overwhelming joy.
And I am excited to have the opportunity to travel to China for the second time and have hopes of exploring a bit more this time around... 

This time I will be taking my laptop along, so I will be sure to keep you all up to date.  Otherwise you can find The Diary of a Country Girl on Facebook.

^ This picture was taken the day my dad and I went exploring Hefei.  We visited the local zoo that morning and afterwards I wanted to see if I could find the park we had driven past a few times.  After walking much further than we planned to, we came to the entrance of this park where we walked for about half an hour.  
We thought that we would come out on the other side and be able to get a cab back to our apartment.  However, all we found was a dead end!  And it was about then that it began to pour with rain...and of course we had left our umbrellas behind!  
I would say that this was one of our favourite days together...we got soaked and eaten alive by mosquitoes on the long walk back....but it was so special! 

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare for our trip - there is a lot we need to organise this side before going away for almost four months...

May the Lord bless and keep each one of you - continue serving Him with joy!

In Christ,


  1. Safe travels and have a great visit with your family. I enjoy your photo's on Facebook.

  2. This is indeed exciting news 😊😊. We will keep you in our prayers and pray the Lord will make your path straight. I can only begin to imagine the excitement building on the other side 😊😊. We pray for you regularly, talk of you often......much love to you and Nancy. ....and of course, hugs all round 😉💕💕 blessings from Andy
    and me xx

  3. How exciting! It will be wonderful to be together. Praying for safe travels!

  4. Happy for you and your sister to be able to go China. Have a safe trip. God Bless you and yours.
    Marion and Marilyn

  5. That is so exciting! I will definitely be in prayer for you and Nancy for safe travels and I can't wait to hear of all the happiness when everyone is reunited! {{smiles}}


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