It is a glorious Sunday morning; the winter sun is shining brightly and there is a slight breeze stirring the leaves of the trees.
I have just sat down with a cup of coffee and have decided to compile a list of goals for the month of September.
We have been in our new home for a little over a week now, and already we feel quite settled.
Our home has become a haven for us, and a reflection of our family's heart.
Rhythms and routines are slowly being established as we seek to find and adjust to a new normal for our daily life.
The word
intentional is frequently on my mind at the moment.
For almost a year I stumbled through my days, desperately trying to make sense of the chaos my world had been flung into to after my family moved to China.
The Lord taught me a great deal through this season of uncertainty and instability, drawing me closer to Himself.
Now that my family are home and we are together again, I find I have a deeper appreciation for the people I share life with, and strive to make the most of each day.
Being intentional allows me to live fully in every moment, awake to the gloriousness of being alive in this great big world, and in tune to the voice of my Creator.
Compiling a list of personal goals for the month will hopefully aid me in my desire to live intentionally each day!
Here goes...September goals...
~ Spend time with the Lord each day praying and reading Scripture.
~ Listen to sermons online.
~ Finish reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Currently listening to (and absolutely loving!) an audio book, but a hard copy is on its way and will hopefully be in the mail in the next week or so.
~ Finish reading The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Yes, I read more than one book at a time.
~ Reopen my Etsy shoppe. There are just a few banking and PayPal issues that to be resolved before I publish new listings.
~ Shop for a good quality second hand bookshelf for my bedroom. The little one currently holding my books is groaning under the weight it bears.
~ Sew a new peasant top for myself. I have a beautiful top bought sometime ago which I love so much. I want to take it apart and create a pattern from it so as to make several more just like it.
~ Organise my craft drawers.
~ Print photographs for my travel journal and paste them in to complete pages.
~ Take up calligraphy again and practice at least twice a week.
~ Continue with gentle exercises each day to build up strength after my injury. If the weather is warm, swim and do light exercise in the pool.
~ Mail letters and packages waiting to be sent off to dear friends.
~ Resume photography. Schedule a few shoots with siblings to get going again.
~ Post at least twice a week on my blog.
~ Post at least three times a week on
~ Email those friends I haven't written to in...well, much too long.
~ Start working on new stock for Christmas market.
~ Start giving thought to a display for Christmas market.
~ Drink less coffee.
~ Watch sugar intake more carefully.
~ Spend at least half an hour a day in the garden.
~ Sow Spring seeds and prepare garden beds for Spring planting.
~ Make compost and mulch garden beds with manure.
~ Build a new worm box.
~ Be available to read stories, do crafts and have fun with the little children.
~ Spend time with my siblings doing daily tasks such as gardening and cooking.
~ Give thought to ideas for new business ventures.
~ Start new job looking after a three month old baby girl. This is a short term opportunity which I am quite excited about.
~ Spend time singing with my sisters.
~ Write in my journal at least twice a week. Keep is neat and short.
~ Burn all photographs on laptop to disks, label and put away for safekeeping.
Words to live by in
And there you go...I am sure I will add to this list and tweak it here and there.
I feel no pressure to reach all my goals...they are simply there to help me stay focused.
What things do you hope to do/achieve in September?
Do you read more than one book at a time?
Happy Monday, dear friends!
Have a truly wonderful week ahead!