Thursday, 22 August 2019

Thursday Pearls

Painting by Alfred Sisley

"The welcoming atmosphere we provide for our family and friends, 
the errands we run, the outings we plan, the care we provide in times of illness, 
 and the efforts we take to promote wellness - each of these daily actions and a thousand others, reveal in miniature an aspect of God's nature. 
The often tedious and mundane tasks of homemaking become acts of worship, 
our ordinary movements works of art...It's no insignificant calling, this ministry of homemaking...
My mother worked hard to create an atmosphere in our home that reflected God's beauty,
 His order, and His merciful, welcoming heart. 
In so doing, she gave our hearts a taste for heaven. 
That's what can happen when women devote themselves 
to their marriages and families and homes. 
That's the kind of impact we can generate when our lives 
reflect the importance and value of home." 
~ Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Happy Thursday, lovelies!


  1. Wonderful words! Our ladies bible study did one of her studies last year, and I really enjoy how she writes.

  2. Such good words, my friend! ♥ Thank you for sharing!

    P.S.- I noticed that some of the graphics I created for your blog have a PhotoBucket image over them. I think that company has done something to the way their website works and how photos appear on blogs, etc. I was having some trouble with them awhile back...if you want me to, I can fix the graphics on your blog so that image doesn't appear on them. Totally up to you, I just wanted to offer to clear it up since the graphics are under my PhotoBucket account. Just let me know ♥

  3. A beautiful, inspiring quote you have shared, Kelly-Anne! This is my desire for our home ... but oh, how far short I fall! I can keep the "public" areas of our home presentable and we can (and do) use them for ministry, but the rooms that are out of public view are in sad shape indeed. I clearly have far too much on my plate right now, but the things on it are all things that God has allowed. So I will take fresh enthusiasm from Nancy's words and press on...

  4. What a beautiful quote! So very true. I am SO thankful to be a wife and mother - life's two noblest callings!


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