Monday, 18 May 2020

counting my blessings

Hello lovely friends...
How was your week?
Mine felt extremely long indeed - by Wednesday I was convinced that it should already be Friday!  {{smiles}} 
It didn't help that my phone died a sudden and sad death when it fell out my pocket, plop! right into a tub of water, which meant I had to scurry about organizing a new one...
Or that poor Nancy had her wisdom teeth removed this week, meaning we are a currently a man down...
I am realising just how much she does to keep the wheel turning each day.
On top of all this, we went and added a rabbit, a guinea pig and a kitten to our family...
And for some reason, kitty thinks it is great fun waking me an hour earlier each morning, so I have been functioning on very little sleep the past couple days.

But amidst all the craziness of these unprecedented times and the daily struggles we face, it is wonderful to know how deeply our Saviour cares and that He is walking close beside us...
Nothing happens without His knowledge, and He promises to give us fresh grace and strength for each day...

I have have so much to be thankful for, and I know that there is joy to be found in each season of life, if we will but stop and notice...

I thought I would share a list of twelve little things I am thankful for right now...I always find it lifts my heart to count my blessings. ♥

♥ glorious Autumn weather, roses blooming, and the musical trill of the birds in the trees...

♥ being able to purchase an almost-new phone from a friend.

 ♥ cuddling up with Village Diary (by Miss Read) each evening, and imaging myself an inhabitant of Fairacre...

♥ harvesting new peas and baby spinach from the garden for our salads.

♥ early morning walks with my mom, little siblings and Timmy (our dog) before I go off to work.

♥ playing in crinkly piles of Autumn leaves with the children in my "other family" (I work as an au pair).

♥ kitty snuggles (yes, even in the middle of the night) with Tabitha.

♥ late night chats with my sister.

♥ making homemade pizza with my sisters whilst singing along to beautiful Praise music.

♥ laughter around the table and homemade delicious milk tart (a South African thing).

 ♥ discussing garden plans with my mom and coming home one afternoon to find Mom had been to the second-hand store,and had laid hold of various treasures to use as planters and decor for the garden.

♥ treating myself to two novels by Lynn Austin and excitedly anticipating their arrival in the mail.

May the joy of the Lord be our strength in the week ahead!

What are you thankful for today?



  1. What a lovely post dear write so beautifully♥

  2. I can most definitely relate to those weeks that seem to drag on forever. But we do get to the end eventually and it is such a blessing to look back and see how the Lord took care of everything. Being thankful is one the best ways to help lift your spirit when you are weary and/or have a heavy heart. God is so good!

    And I'm glad you were able to find a new phone so quickly! Here's to a new week and all that will unfold! :)


    1. Dear Annie,
      Your visits are always a sweet blessing! ♥ I am so thankful to be able to "visit" with friends through is wonderful that we can encourage one another!
      I hope your week was a lovely one... Mine was certainly a lot smoother and filled with many joys.
      Sending much love your way!

  3. Hello!
    Lovely thoughts today, as always.
    Glad you have a new phone. They are essential, are they not?
    I am thankful my mother has a safe and cozy assisted living place during this time.
    I am thankful for spring days, even though I long for autumn!
    And I am thankful for my family. Always.
    Have a cozy evening.

    1. Hello Billie Jo♥
      Oh, Spring days are truly a delight! I don't think I will ever be able to decide which season I love most, Spring or Autumn! {{smiles}} I agree with you - family is the sweetest blessing of all.
      Sending hugs your way!

  4. I'm glad to hear that you were able to replace your phone so quickly. A few years ago, I accidentally left my cell phone (nearly 10 years old which is ancient in technology) in the pocket of a hoodie that got tossed in the washing machine. It miraculously survived the wash (a bowl of rice helped to dry it out), but I replaced it shortly afterwards with a "smarter" phone.

    1. Oh my, you won't believe it, but I did that too! In fact, all the phones I have had have met with a sad end. I am glad to hear yours survived...mine didn't!
      Hope your week was a great one, Margie! Thank you so much for your visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!

  5. Gabrielle is right - you do write beautifully! You also take such pretty photos.
    It's a lovely list of thankfuls. Our Lord does bless us so!
    I'm getting a post ready to put up tonight about visiting Tulip Time in Holland Michigan. It's where Lynn Austin live, about 20 minutes from me. I'm posting a photo of an old church that she features in one of her books, where she focuses on people who have just immigrated to Holland, from the Netherlands. They are members of that church, so it was good to see it in person after reading the book. The characters aren't real, but the history is.

    1. Aww, thank you, Mari! ♥ Blogging brings me such joy, and I always love chatting with my blogging friends! {{Smiles}}
      Oh, I so enjoyed your post featuring the beautiful church you saw while visiting Holland (I'll have to have a look for the book you mentioned!)..and the tulips are so bright and cheerful!
      Hope your weekend has been a blessed one!

  6. What a splendid list of blessings, dear Kelly-Anne! And oh, that rose is just gorgeous! Our roses are blooming right now, too...just in time for the last few weeks of spring.

    I am thrilled to know that you are enjoying Miss Read's books. I've read a couple of them so far and they are the most charming stories, aren't they? I can't wait to hear what books you got by Lynn Austin. Have you read "Wonderland Creek" yet? Julia read it a couple years ago and couldn't stop talking about it! She loved it! {{smiles}}

    Hope you are doing well...enjoy all those kitty cuddles! Sending love and hugs to you! ♥

    1. Hello dear friend and happy Saturday! I am finally getting a chance to respond to your sweet note! ♥ And...happy news...I have also finished writing this month's post. I am hoping to send it to you a bit later.
      Oh, I'll definitely have to look for Wonderland Creek! I am so glad to hear Julia enjoyed it so much.
      I am also hoping to buy a few more of Miss Read's books. Her stories really are gorgeous, and how she writes about the simplest things, yet brings them to life in a magical way.
      Thinking of you and sending hugs your way!

  7. Hello Kelly Anne,

    This is Shirley..... Ashleighs mom.

    She showed me Gabrielles new blog last night...what a sweet girl....and I just wanted to stop in a say hello to you and your family.

    What a lovely and uplifting family you have! I always enjoy hearing about you and all the younger ones in your home.

    God bless each of you.

    Hugs from Virginia

    1. Dear Mrs Shirley...
      Oh, it was so, SO lovely hearing from you! Thank you for taking the time to write...♥
      I think of your family so often and always enjoy the pictures and news Ashleigh sends...I actually owe her an answer to her sweet email! ♥
      With much love,

  8. Hi Kelly-Anne
    You have written a beautiful post. I am thankful for my family and friends. My neighbors.the cool weather after a hot spell,flowers that are growing and blogs like yours.
    God Bless

    1. Dear Marion,
      It is always so lovely having you stop in for a visit... ♥
      Ahh, I am glad to hear your flowers are growing! Flowers bring such cheer. I sprinkled a few poppy seeds in my one garden bed the other day, and they have just started poking their leafy heads above the surface of the ground!
      Have a beautiful Saturday...hugs to you!

  9. Hi Kelly-Anne Hope Nancy is feeling better. As usual you have another lovely post. I am grateful for good books,friends,family,good food, music,old movies,and television shows that the entire family can watch. Sorry about your phone. God Bless you and yours.

    1. Hello dear Marilyn♥
      Oh, I have to agree with you...good books are a delight, especially in these topsy turvey days. Thank you so much for asking - Nancy is a lot better! She still has to have the other two wisdom teeth removed, but apparently they shouldn't be as bad. Phew!
      Hope your week has been a lovely one...much love to you!

  10. What a lovely post, Kelly. To see that you are praising the Lord for your blessings even in the midst of trying times and long weeks is truly a testimony. And your pictures (as always) are stunning...

    I hope Nancy feels better soon! I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out in the next month as well and I can only imagine it really puts one out, yikes.

    I always thoroughly enjoy your blog. May you have a wonderful day and may this week be better ♥


    1. Hi sweet friend,
      Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I love hearing from you! ♥
      Nancy is now completely back to normal, although she will have to have the other two wisdom teeth removed soon... I am sorry to hear you also be having yours removed...will be praying that the procedure goes well. Sending lots of love your way, dear Tane.

  11. Oh, that red rose made my heart sing. What a beautiful photo that is. And that milk tart sure looks good. I loved reading your "thankful things." You know, I read one time that a grateful person is the happiest person. I believe that is true. Thank you for being such a thankful person, Kelly-Anne.



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