Friday, 12 February 2021

in my world ~ february

outside my window

The day is still fresh and the grass wet with dew...

I am rejoicing in the coolness of the morning, and hoping that the hot weather we have been melting through lately, will soon be gone.

in my cup

why, hot coffee of course.

around the house

How strange it has been to come home after being away so long...

Thankfully, slotting back into family life wasn't as challenging as I anticipated it being.


Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot.  

This beautiful little book, written as a letter to her daughter who was preparing for marriage at the time, is so pertinent to the season I find myself in...

listening to

I discovered the composer and pianist, George Winston, and have had his albums playing on repeat while wedding planning.


Season 11 of Counting On.  I love watching this family do life.

from the kitchen

  With Mom being so busy with sewing my wedding dress, I am trying to be more present in the kitchen while having little ones help me.

We have been enjoying so many meals from the garden...


With the wedding a mere seven weeks away, my mom, sisters and I are pretty busy these days.

Mom and Nancy are sewing my dress, while the younger girls and I tackle projects like fabric napkins, little boxes and place settings.

 in the garden

I spent almost five months away from home, working as a sous chef in the next town (and that is where I met my fiance), so the garden became solely Mom's.  

Lately, Beth has taken an interest in gardening, which makes my heart so happy.

I have been pottering about sowing seeds here, weeding there, and keeping the garden watered.  I eagerly anticipate being able to work in my own garden someday soon...

out and about

Saturday saw the two of us taking a little road trip and exploring a nearby town...


 To pick up my camera more regularly as well as write more often on my blog.

one of my favourite things

Going for long walks along gravel roads and through the orchards with my love.

thankful for

My wonderfully creative family and a community of Believers who are helping us prepare for our special day.

quiet moments

Not too many of those at the moment.  The days are filled with daily household tasks, wedding planning and time spent with the people I love most in the world.

thinking of 

How quickly life can change...

One day you are a single young woman, trusting the Lord to bring His best along at the right time, and the next you are swept up in a beautiful love story written with care and precision by the Father.
A blessed Saturday to you, sweet friends!
Thank you for stopping in...  How wonderful it is to be writing here again!
With much love,


  1. Lovely!
    Please do keep blogging.
    It is always a delight to read here.
    Enjoy the wedding planning!

  2. Beautiful post, Kelly-Anne! It was wonderful to catch up with you for a few minutes.

  3. These are exciting days for you! It was good to hear from you again.

  4. Nice post Kelly-Anne. Those roses are beautiful! Yes, praise to the LORD JESUS CHRIST on high for arranging your beloved and for making all things beautiful like the roses. May the LORD be by your side daily as you prepare for this new phase in your life. May your marriage be bound by a triple cord that cannot be broken. (CHRIST, your beloved, and you)

  5. Aw i loved hearing from you! Soo excited for you and your new season :-)

  6. Sorry it has been so long since I've dropped by. Since getting married myself, blogging hasn't happened much! These are lovely photos my friend! You are in a busy a beautiful season of life, and I'm glad you are soaking up the sweet moments. <3

  7. Sorry it has been so long since I've dropped by. Since getting married myself, blogging hasn't happened much! These are lovely photos my friend! You are in a busy a beautiful season of life, and I'm glad you are soaking up the sweet moments. <3

  8. Beautiful! And may your special day be blessed! I am so excited for you! You will make a lovely homemaker and wife ♥️ God bless you!


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