Friday, 15 April 2022

mama and baby life update

It is a cosy sort of Friday afternoon...  Cold, rainy weather has arrived after a brutally hot and dry summer, and I am rejoicing in being able to don warm socks and cuddle up under fluffy blankets again.

After nursing and snuggling my baby boy to sleep on our bed, I made pancakes and hot chocolate for hubby and I, perfect on this chilly day.

And while the house is still so quiet, a rare thing indeed, I thought I would pop in and update you all on how this mama and her little one are doing.

Nicholas will be three months old next week, and I am in tears almost daily when I think of how big he is getting.

Look at my chunky baby boy!
Obviously someone loves his breastmilk, because he is growing up a storm.  I am already packing away his 3-6 month outfits and hauling out the next size up.

Nicholas loves playtime with mama.  He has started grabbing toys and bringing them to his mouth.  He also loves it when I help him to sit and stand.  Tummy time is not his favourite thing, and we usually manage about 3 minutes before he really starts fussing.
He is so happy when he is outside, and I try take him for a walk every day.  The fresh air does us both good, and he is always calmer after being out of doors.

Mama life is even more wonderful and fulfilling than I imagined it would be.  
I feel very blessed to be able to stay home with our son and be present in his life.

However, it is also more exhausting and full time than I anticipated.
Our little guy is not a great sleeper and happiest when attached to me, naturally.
Wearing him in a baby wrap is the only way I get anything accomplished in a day, which can be a bit frustrating.  
But I try to remind myself that this season will pass much too soon and I will miss having him nestled against my chest.

I am also finally feeling stronger physically.  I was not prepared for how difficult the recovery from the C-section would be.  Even though I have healed beautifully, I still have pain if I carry Nicholas for too long or overdue it with housework.  My husband only just stopped sweeping the floor for me!

Sadly, Nicholas' birth was a very traumatic experience...  
A C-section was not the outcome I wanted.  I longed for a natural homebirth, and spent hours educating myself and preparing for an unmedicated labour... 
I am still grieving what could not be and processing the whole ordeal.
I am thankful that the Lord had His hand upon my baby and I and that we are both well and safe.

Now that I am not pregnant anymore and that the 'fourth trimester' is officially behind us, I am excited about this new season...  
I am looking forward to watching my baby grow and discover the world around him and settling into life as a little family of three.
My husband and I celebrated out first wedding anniversary on the third of April.  
What a whirlwind of a first year it was!  

I am hoping to write more often too.  I miss the friendships I had with my sweet blogging friends!


  1. Lovely update, Kelly-Anne! Thank you for taking time to share with all of us! Have a blessed Easter!

    1. Oh, so lovely to have you pop by, dear Mrs T! Sending hugs your way!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! Your sweet baby boy is adorable, and so blessed to have you as his mommy. I had four C-sections, and remember the slower recovery. That does allow for much more snuggling, slower, cozy time! Happy and Blessed Easter!

    1. Loving all the baby snuggles and cuddles! Nicholas is a high needs baby, so most of the time, the only way he will nap is when he is nursing or when I wear him in my baby wrap. Embracing these moments as I know they pass all too quickly...
      Thank you for visiting, dear Billie Jo!

  3. Thank you for this wonderful update and pictures! Sounds like you and I had similar first labors and deliveries. I thank God for C-sections when they are needed. I have scoliosis in just the right place to tip my pelvis the wrong I could never deliver naturally...and my OB doctor missed that. Anyway 6 of us in church were pregnant at the same time, and 3 of us had emergency C-sections. Just like the old statistics that 50% of women died in childbirth. What a blessing to have surgery when needed. With my second and last baby I had a scheduled C-section and it was a treat not to go thru labor(I got stuck in Transition for hours before the emergency C-section with my first)....isn't it such a miracle to hold your own little new born? AH...What blessings from the Lord children are! May God continue to richly bless your little family. Linn

    1. Dear Linn,
      Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your birth stories... I am finding it so difficult to accept the outcome of Nicholas' birth, but hearing of other women who had similar experiences really helps. So thankful that there is such a thing as a C-Section. I only got to hold my baby six hours after birth as he was given oxygen and kept for observation, but oh! How incredible it was to finally have him placed on my chest! I am so in love with him!
      Love and blessings to you and thank you for your kind visit!

  4. Really enjoyed reading your update! My, your little boy has grown so much and is adorable! Thank you for sharing these sweet pictures!

  5. So thankful to read your blog post, and the sharing of your new and precious life with little Nicholas! What a doll he is, those eyes! Just soo adorable! I'm sorry that you had such a traumatic birth experience with him, having the C-section must have been terribly traumatic for you, and the healing process is definitely much longer. I pray that you continue to heal, and enjoy this precious new phase of life the Lord has for you and your sweet family!

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I am hosting a small giveaway on my blog, and that you would be welcome to enter it! I am offering a digital download for anyone who lives outside of the U.S. so you'd be welcome to join if you'd like to receive that!

  7. Hi Kelly-Anne;
    It is so nice to see a new post. Nicholas is adorable. Will keep you in my prayers for you to be pain free.
    The weather here has been pleasantly cool but summer is on the way. I have been reading The Tales Of Ivy Hill series. The last book #3 I am almost finished with it. There is a Christmas book that is the follow up that I will read a little later.
    God Bless

  8. Hi Kelly Anne, So happy to see a new post. Nicholas is beautiful. Glad you are feeling better and stronger. Enjoy your cooler weather. Here in the states it will be Summer in a few weeks. I do not enjoy Summer, it is too hot and too many bugs. .Hope to hear from you soon. I always enjoy your posts as I do Gabrielle's too. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a healing of your pain and discomfort. God Bless you and yours.

  9. Kelly Anne!! Congratulations on your beautiful family!! I've been out of blogland for awhile and started snooping again and look at you! I am so very happy for you. I know you have looked forward to this and God has granted the desire of your heart. There is nothing like being a mother. Truly a gift from God. I know you will do it well, creating a home for your family. God Bless You!!

    1. Hello dear Diane! ♥ What a DELIGHT it was to see your sweet note! So lovely to hear from are you?? The past few years have flown by and so much has changed...The Lord has been so good to me...I always wanted to be a wife and mother!
      Hugs to you!


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