Monday, 14 November 2022

Nicholas at 9 months (he's walking!!) - the month of milestones!

 Once again, this little update is over two weeks late.  Life in our home has been so busy, and Nicholas has been quite the handful too, and I'll tell you why in a moment...

I can't believe that Nicholas has now been in our family for as long as he was in utero.  I feel like we are really getting to know him now as his little (or should I say, not so little), personality is emerging more as he is getting older.

The big news is...Nicholas cut his first tooth and took his first steps a few days after turning nine months old!  He actually only learned to crawl just two weeks before, so this little guy is hitting his milestones all in one go it would seem.      

I feel quite emotional thinking that the baby stage is officially behind us...  Nicholas is definitely entering toddlerhood, and is even busier and more curious than ever.

He seems to be more sensitive to loud noises all of a sudden - his bottom lip will drop and he will cry inconsolably if he hears a loud or strange noise, even if its in the distance.  Funnily enough, if he falls over or bumps himself, which happens fairly regularly right now, he doesn't seem particularly bothered.

In terms of food, he doesn't seem very interested in eating at the moment.  Perhaps being mobile is just way too thrilling and eating just means he has to sit still.  Or he is cutting another tooth...

As a result, he is waking for an extra feed each night, and feeding more during the day.  Much as I love breastfeeding and am so thankful that it has gone so well for us, I look forward to Nicholas weaning, because he wriggles and squirms and pinches and pulls off so much, I feel so irritated after a nursing session!  I have no idea when he will wean, but I don't see myself being able to keep it up till the age of two as is recommended.

In terms of sleep, Nicholas was doing so well for a good few weeks, but we seem to have hit another regression, because he has been waking every two or so hours again each night, and Rucus and I are absolutely exhausted from all the disturbed sleep.  

For the most part his naps are fairly good and he usually he takes two a day - either a long one in the morning and a short one in the late afternoon, or the other way around.  I have had to extend his wake windows a bit lately as he has been refusing naps and instead standing up or playing in his cot.  

Nicholas is obsessed with animals - he gets so excited when he sees a dog or cat, and recognizes them in books too.  He loves stories, especially one lift the flap book in particular called Dear Zoo, and I have to read it over and over.  He will lift the flaps himself and is generally quite gentle.  Our neighbour has horses, and he squeals with delight when he spots them on our walks.  Fletch continues to be his best friend, and watching the two of them interact is really precious.

Nicholas also gives high fives now and has been waving goodbye each time we say "bye".  He will also sometimes gives me a slobbery kiss which is the best thing ever...that and hearing him say "mama" or "mum" when he sees or wants me.

He thinks his toys are boring, so mommy packed them away.  All he wants to do these days is practice walking or play outside in the dirt or with the hose pipe.  This boy is crazy about water!  I end up bathing or showering him and changing his outfit multiple times a day because he gets so dirty and brings all the dirt into the house.

And I think that brings us to the end of this update...  I am so enjoying my little boy and can't believe he is almost a year old.  I am thankful for being able to spend every waking second with him, even though it can be completely draining, because babies are small for such a short amount of time and they change by the day.

Love and hugs to you, sweet friends...pop by again soon for another in my world post...

~ Kelly-Anne

P.S.  Nicholas did in fact cut another tooth shortly after I wrote this update.  So now he has one bottom and one top tooth which is too sweet and would explain why he wasn't too keen on food for awhile...


  1. Nicolas is so cute! He reminds me of my boys when they were little. They were happy if they had dogs, dirt, water and tonka toys....inside the house it was Duplos and books :) I'm so glad that you're totally enjoying these wonderful days! Linn

    1. Sounds just like Nicholas! He is so close to being one and I am not ready! Hugs to you, appreciate your sweet visits!

  2. So much fun to read, Kelly! I had seen a bit of an update on Instagram, but so happy to read this longer one.

    A friend at church makes knives and so I shared your hubby's Instagram with him. He has enjoyed seeing your husband's amazing work!

    1. I so enjoy your visits, dear Mrs T!
      And thank you for sharing my hubby's Instagram with your friend!
      Hugs to you!

  3. Stoffelina.Oosthuizen@gmail.com17 November 2022 at 06:15

    I love this post❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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