Friday, 2 December 2022

Nicholas at ten months

Our sweet boy is ten months old.  Just two months away from his first birthday...

Nicholas is walking EVERYWHERE!  He is so fast too, and I am sure it won't be long till he is running around.  He has learnt to climb stairs too which I find a bit frightening.  

He can also clap his hands together and shake his head to say "no" which is cute now, but probably won't be for too much longer...  {{smiles}}

He is crazy about his Daddy and will cling to Rucus when he leaves to go somewhere and squeal with delight and rush to him when he comes home.  It is so sweet to see their bond growing as Nicholas gets older.  They play hide and seek together now too.

Nicholas is still obsessed with animals, cats in particular.  I read his one book, a treasury of "Mog" (a cat) stories, over and over (and over) again.  He can actually say "kitty"...or something very close which is definitely his word for a cat.

He also says "Fletchy" for our Border Collie.  "Dog" and "Dada" sound the same, and I'm "Mam" or "Ma".

Being outside, opening and closing doors, playing with Fletch, eating sand and climbing stairs are just a few of his favourite things at the moment.  Nicholas gets into everything he shouldn't, and my house is in a permanent state of disaster when he is awake!

He laughs a lot more these days and likes to be funny so that we will laugh at him.  Just today he threw his lunch across the kitchen and packed out laughing.  It was tough to look all stern and not laugh along with him.

His current favourite foods are beans, courgettes and peanut butter sandwiches, and oats remain his go-to breakfast each morning.  He also loves smoothies and it is a good way for me to get berries and other fruit he is not so keen on into him.

He has two teeth now, one top and one bottom, but he is teething again and it looks like another top tooth is about to pop through.

Night time sleep is still an issue, but thankfully his naps are usually pretty good.  

Nicholas has the most gorgeous head of blonde hair, and Daddy actually gave it a trim the other day because his hair was getting in his eyes and growing over his ears.  Of course I saved his first locks in his box of baby things.

Now that Nicholas can walk, he is a much happier little boy and fast becoming more independent.  He loves it if I just sit on the floor and watch him play.  He also enjoys trying to put lids on containers or pushing lids and Popsicle sticks through a slot I made in the lid of an old formula tin.  He wants constant stimulation and loves a good challenge.

He has started showing a little more affection which has been sweet.  He has never been a cuddly baby, so it is a treat if he rests his head against my shoulder or lies quietly beside me for a bit.

He is still breastfed...this boy loves his "milkies".  I am almost sure he has started saying "milkies" which is what I have always called breastmilk.  If I ask him if he wants, he gets all excited and anxious for it.  Just yesterday he started lifting my shirt, so I had best be careful he doesn't do that when we are in public!

We are really enjoying Nicholas...he is so cute and always making us smile and laugh.  He still whines and cries a lot and sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore, especially if we have had a particularly rough night, but I can't imagine life without him.  He makes me so happy and fills my heart with such joy.

And I think that brings us to the end of this slightly belated (again) ten month update...  I am starting to go through his newborn pictures and plan his first birthday party and I get all emotional thinking of my baby boy being a year old soon!

Have a blessed weekend, sweet friends!

~ Kelly-Anne


  1. He looks so cute and each stage brings its own delights and challenges. Lovely to see his happy, smiling face. May God bless you little man xx

  2. Kelly-Anne Thank You for the update on Nicholas. We wanted to wish you and your family A Merry,Blessed Christmas.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  3. Lovely to keep in touch with your lovely little family. Such exciting times and precious memories in the making ❤. I look at Nicholas and think of our great-grandson, Levi, who's just a couple of days younger ❤❤. God bless and love to you all xx


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