Thursday, 19 January 2023

Thoughts on the first year of motherhood, and being one year post partum (and post C-section)

Pinch me.  My baby is turning one on Saturday!  

I heard someone say that the days are long but the years are short when you have children, and I have to agree.  

There are many aspects of being a mom that I love, but there are also things I really don't enjoy...

I am happy to be moving out of the baby stage.  I love having a now toddler and being able to interact with him more and watch him learn and discover new things about the world around him.  

And after a year, I finally feel like I am getting my life together and adjusting to this motherhood thing!

In this post I want to be honest and share how I really feel about the first year of motherhood and being one year post partum...

Never been in better shape...

I know it isn't the case for everyone, but generally I feel pretty good about my body after having had a baby, and I would even go so far as to say I am more confident.  

Apart from some loose skin, stretch marks and my C-section scar which will fade, I have never been in better shape...

I am at the lowest weight I have ever been as an adult.  I attribute this to still breastfeeding on demand and Nicholas being a fussy baby and needing to be worn in the carrier, rocked and bounced so much, especially in those first six months.  

I am proud of having grown a human and having breastfed him for a year.

Post C-section, I feel pretty fully recovered.  If I overdo it on the housework or exercise, I do feel the slightest bit of tenderness around my scar, so I realise there is still some healing that needs to take place.

Time for myself and missing my husband...

I don't find that having a little one to care for 24/7 makes me miss having time to myself all that much (perhaps in those very early days when just brushing my teeth or eating something was a challenge, but then I think I kind of expected that).  

I try and either rest or listen to something while I tackle a few chores or cook supper when Nicholas naps.  I plan to share ways I "fill my cup" as a busy toddler mom in another post.

I do definitely struggle with not having as much time with my husband, though - I miss him!  I long to have more time to spend with Rucus without constant distraction.

I need my sleep!

I expected disturbed nights, but I wasn't prepared for being woken 6 to 8 times each night or the devastating effects of chronic sleep deprivation.  

When Nicholas was around four months old, I experienced a few anxiety attacks and felt like I was constantly living in a daze.  I was beyond exhausted and felt so hopeless because no one could help me and there was seemed no end to the suffering.  

Sleep is still a huge issue for us, and on average I am up two to three times a night with him.  He also wakes at the crack of dawn.  5 am seems like a great time to get up each day!  

I honestly thought that by a year things would have improved, but here we are, still struggling away.

I am a stronger person...

As I mentioned earlier, I am proud of what my body has achieved, from growing Nicholas to birthing him, to nourishing him throughout the past year, I feel so strong and capable and even more sure myself.

Grieving what I couldn't have and also being thankful for interventions when needed...

I am truly grateful that C-sections exist.  My son and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for one...  After a year I think I have finally laid the whole ordeal to rest.  I grieved the birth we ended up having and cried buckets of tears.  

I struggled with so much jealousy towards other women and friends who achieved an all natural birth, or who had their husbands present.  I felt ashamed that I couldn't birth my baby naturally and that I needed surgery to deliver him.  

Honestly the C-section recovery pain was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my heart.


Being a family of three and the many things I love about being Nicholas' mama...

I love being a family of three.  I love that Nicholas is part Rucus and part me.  I love watching my husband and Nicholas play together...  I love being greeted by a huge toothy smile when Nicholas comes back from being somewhere with Daddy.  I love kissing his head and breathing in his scent.  I love going out with him and seeing him enjoy experiencing new places and meeting new people.  I love hearing him laugh and being the one to comfort him when he cries.  I love praying with him each evening as I nurse him before bed and pleading with the Lord to keep His hand upon him and guide him through life.  


Nicholas' first year was a WILD ride...

Motherhood has been so much tougher than I anticipated it being, but despite all the challenges and the exhaustion, I absolutely love being Nicholas' mama.  

There is no where else I would rather be or anything else I would rather be doing!

I had no idea the love a mother feels towards her child could be so powerful, or the bond so strong.  

Share your thoughts!

Do you have a baby?  What was your experience of being a first time mom like?  What were a few things you loved about motherhood?  What were some of the difficulties you faced?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section.  I love speaking with other mamas and hearing their experiences!


  1. Wow, this is so honest and vulnerable. Thank you for sharing some of your story. In regards to the sleep I will say - it gets better!!
    Hazel is 18 months now and a great little sleeper. At 12 months she was waking through the night. It took months of working on it but we are reaping the benefits now.
    Hang in there.
    You are an amazing mama to Nicholas!
    The Lord is gentle with those who have young!

    1. Bonnie, thank you for the encouragement! So lovely to have you stop by today!
      I know the Lord is shaping me through being a mother...I have definitely had to learn to cling to Him.
      Love and blessings...

  2. Love your stories!!! You are doing so well ...see you soon ❤❤❤

    1. We can't wait for you to come stay! Nicholas loves his Ouma! ❤

  3. Happy birthday for Saturday, dear precious Nicholas ❤ Congratulations to you all for reaching this stage in your family journey. May the Lord guard you and guide you in the future xx

  4. I love your stories and read every word and although my kids are all grown up, I can relate with you in a lot of ways. As far as you feeling ashamed for not being able to have a normal birth,please don't ever feel that way. Nicholis was a big baby and you are such a tiny Mommy. Sometimes its just not possible to give birth normally. We love you,Rucus and Nicholis.Please give him a big hug from us on his very first birthday🤗

    1. Awww baie dankie, Tannie Marli! So appreciate your kindness and love!
      Hoping to see you all soon!

  5. I don't know if you remember me, but you used to follow my blog ( - which is now private), and I still have yours in my reading list. This post resonated with me as our stories are similar, and I had to comment!

    I had an emergency c-section 3 1/2 weeks early (November 2021) and under general anesthesia after a scary turn of events. The season of having a newborn was one of the most beautiful and special, but also one of the hardest I had ever been through. The experience with the c-section was hard, a baby that struggled to nurse at first since he was early, and it was made even harder as he struggled with significant food allergies that we didn't realize or figure out for months which led to very frequent night wakings that were often very long. I had to lean into the Lord in deeper ways and learn to rest completely on His strength through months of sleepless nights and an often screaming, refluxing, almost constantly spitting up baby (due to the allergies). I also had to remind myself that this too shall pass, and it does get better! Once the allergies were under control, and with the help of sleep training, our baby finally started sleeping through the night at one year, though we still have times when he fusses in the night and might need me. He used to always get up at 5, too! We have managed to slowly move that time to 6 which has helped a lot.

    As hard as it is, it is all worth it for our precious babies! As time goes on, the hard things begin to fade, and the very special, treasured memories remain. And now we get the fun age of them learning, growing, and developing their adorable little personalities!

    Anyway, just had to comment and say that you are not alone in how hard it can be. :) And your son is adorable! He is blessed to have a mama who is willing to sacrifice so much for him!

    1. Oh, please do leave your name! Your blog address does ring a bell... Thank you so much for sharing your story. It really helps to know one isn't alone and that other mamas have been through scary births and/or have had difficult babies. I love how you said you had to lean into the Lord in a deeper way through your son's early days and the challenges you faced with his allergies and difficulties nursing. Being a mom certainly brings you to your knees on a daily basis and is truly humbling. And yes! It is all worth it! I think my bond with Nicholas is stronger for all the pain and difficulty we have walked through.
      Thank you again for was so lovely hearing from you!
      Love and blessings to your little family!

    2. So sorry, I am only just now replying to this! Thank you for your sweet reply! That is a interesting thought about the bond being stronger after walking through all the difficulties together. We have found this to be true as well with our son! In answer to your question, my name is Sarah, and I found you on instagram now and follow you and you started following us, too! (our instagram is: NiobraraNaturals - which is our family business.) I have enjoyed your posts on there! Blessings to you and your family as well!

  6. Kelly-Anne it so nice to read your posts. Nicholas is a big baby . I hope he will start to sleep a normal amount of hours. Happy 1st Birthday Nicholas Wishing you happiness and blessings.
    God Bless

    1. Dear Marion, thank you for your kind visit! Always so lovely to hear from you...
      May your day be blessed!


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