Sunday, 14 August 2016

Pleasant Wintry Days on the Farm...

What a stormy, grey day it is indeed!  
I watched the cold weather blow in yesterday afternoon from the comfort of my bed where I was curled up under a blanket with a cup of coffee in hand...a rare and delightful thing to be savoured...{{smiles}}

This morning our dear old sweet cow big nasty mean cow escaped from her camp yet again.... 
Thankfully I spotted that the gate had been broken through sooner rather than later, so off Beth and I went with a lead rope and a bucket of food in hand to find the missing cow...
We found her a soon after, blissfully grazing in a field across the way, this was after crashing through the overgrowth surrounding the farm and running down a steep incline (which we had to climb up again).

^ Rebekah and her hen, Edith...

Molly is proving to be a challenge...yesterday during milking time, she decided to kick the pail over and somehow managed to get her foot stuck in it, denting the side pretty badly.  I held on to the pail which resulted in two of my fingers being cut and a couple big tears landing on my cheeks.  
A friend of mine reckons Molly was sent to build my character...I sure could think of a few other ways to achieve this!  {{smiles}}  I am truly happy to have a cow, though and am quite fond of old Molly despite her ill-temper!

Farm life is not all sunshine and happiness as I quickly realised a couple years ago when we first started out on our homesteading journey...
There will always be something to try your patience or cause you to have to stop what you're doing...  Animals will break loose and crops will fail...fences have to be put up and weeds pulled...

It is a wonderful life, make no mistake, but it takes tremendous patience and a  whole lot of good humour at times!  
But I honestly wouldn't trade it for the world...

^ Gabrielle and Sofia in the garden...

...I love being able to look out my bedroom window and see a cow grazing in the makes me smile to think of all that good grass being turned into rich, creamy milk for us to enjoy...
I love watching the chickens peck about in the dirt or enjoy a handful of sorrel I picked for them, knowing that in a little while a song from one of them will tell me a fresh egg has been laid...

I love walking outside to gather what I need for dinner from the garden or basking in the bright sunshine just looking at how the potato crop has grown in less than a week....

I love watching my sisters run and play in the fields beyond; their shouts echoing across the valley.  How happy are they that they can enjoy the freedom of country life!

There are a great many joys to make up for the challenges of farm life and it is important to keep the right perspective and a joyful heart...

In a little while I will head to the kitchen to whip up some delicious butternut and orange scones for lunch.  What a blessing...  {Recipe can be found here....}
Tomorrow morning I will rise early to milk Molly once again, grateful for the privilege of having a cow and fresh, raw milk.
Everyday I will praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy and for graciously providing this rich, wonderful lifestyle!

How blessed am I to be warm and cosy in this home, wrapped up for winter and able to spend the day doing that which I love...sewing, cooking, reading stories to little girls and giving cuddles to my baby brother.

Happiest of Mondays to you, sweet readers...


  1. My sweet friend, what a delight this post was!! Oh, the simple pleasures of every day life...what a blessing they are, indeed. Although I've never actually lived in the country myself, I've always had such a love and admiration for the countryside...ah, how peaceful and beautiful it is. :) To be surrounded by wide open spaces in nature-what a gift!

    I so enjoyed reading this post... I always love hearing about what's going on in your corner of the world.

    May this week be a lovely one for you, dear Kelly-Anne! Hugs to you!

  2. Sorry you had a sharp experience with Molly and the bucket, she sounds a bit of a 'madam'! Nevertheless, though the trials are many and it's real hard graft, your farmstead life sounds so idyllic! You really described it beautifully. (I would have loved to milk a cow, any time.)
    Being able to note all the little seasonal changes as you go about your day, and the beauty of the country is a true blessing, as you say.

    The picture of your two little sisters alongside your cat is just adorable.

    Take each day as it comes, Kelly-Anne and grab another coffee in bed whenever you can, my hardworking friend!

  3. You are so right Kelly-Anne. Living in the country has its trials, but the benefits and the blessings far outweigh them 😊

  4. Such a beautiful post!
    Such insight and appreciation and reminder to cherish our lives and realize our blessings.
    Have a cozy day!

  5. Kelly-Anne... I love your attitude! You are so sweet and understanding. I wouldn't have the lovely sweet attitudge you have if my fingers got cut and the cow misbehaved..... I'm sad to say I'd probably end up shouting at her!! :/ God bless you for your love and patience!

    Farm life is wonderful, I agree. :) Blessings and a hug!

  6. Oh the joy of farm life, this brought memories of when we would visit my Aunt's farm as a child. I love orange scones, my favorite. Have a wonderful week, Kelly-Anne

  7. How I smiled to think of having a cow to milk (ill -tempered though she may be) and just the challenges of farm life in general. I am really looking forward to being able experience as well. We too have had rain although it is warm and not cold. Thank you for sharing your farm life.

  8. You know, this just might be my new favorite post of yours! I loved hearing about the details of your daily life! How rich you are, sweet friend! Oh, God is so good. Sending you much love and many hugs from the USA!

  9. Kelly-Anne,
    What a joy in my heart it is to visit you this evening and read of your cozy, lovely days on the farm. I enjoyed reading this so much especially because it is much what I dream of as far as dreaming of living a farm life someday. I always think, maybe the Lord will have me marry a farmer because that's probably the only way I'll ever realize that dream :) But of course I'm blessed with whatever life he allows me to live in my future. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic, hehe! I enjoyed hearing your accounts of your joys watching your siblings and the patience that milking and other farmwork and activities are teaching you. What a blessing that our Lord would use our everyday life and things we do to be lessons and character builders.

    I also delighted in every one of your most beautiful photos!
    You are such a delight and wonderful friend, Kelly-Anne- thank you for making me smile with your friendship and fellowship through each post I read. And also thank you so very much for each comment you leave me- I can't tell you what a lovely feeling it is to read your words, like I'm sitting right across from you enjoying tea with you :) And you encourage me so much.

    Have a most blessed day, Kelly-Anne!

  10. Kelly-Anne,
    What a joy in my heart it is to visit you this evening and read of your cozy, lovely days on the farm. I enjoyed reading this so much especially because it is much what I dream of as far as dreaming of living a farm life someday. I always think, maybe the Lord will have me marry a farmer because that's probably the only way I'll ever realize that dream :) But of course I'm blessed with whatever life he allows me to live in my future. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic, hehe! I enjoyed hearing your accounts of your joys watching your siblings and the patience that milking and other farmwork and activities are teaching you. What a blessing that our Lord would use our everyday life and things we do to be lessons and character builders.

    I also delighted in every one of your most beautiful photos!
    You are such a delight and wonderful friend, Kelly-Anne- thank you for making me smile with your friendship and fellowship through each post I read. And also thank you so very much for each comment you leave me- I can't tell you what a lovely feeling it is to read your words, like I'm sitting right across from you enjoying tea with you :) And you encourage me so much.

    Have a most blessed day, Kelly-Anne!

  11. I've never lived on a farm so I enjoy country living vicariously through you!

  12. Lovely post! Your cow sounds very naughty ;) ... but I am glad that she is giving you delicious milk. May you continue to enjoy the difficult but rewarding farm life!
    I love the photos of your sisters outside with the animals! You have such a good eye for capturing moments with photograph.

  13. Such a beautiful post! Your description of the beauty that surrounds you brought a smile to my face. I am sorry though to hear off your injury, I hope it heals fast! Cows look so sweet and docile, but then again they can grow to be so big! We saw a variety of cows at the county fair last night and I was shocked to discover some weigh 2,000 pounds. Like you, I am grateful to live in the country! : )

  14. What a lovely post, Kelly-Anne! I so enjoyed hearing of the joys of farm life and the adorable pictures of your little sisters, they are such darlings!! Keep warm as winter comes!

  15. What a blessed life you are living. Oh, I would be so happy to have any sort of winter at all. It is over 100* here this week, and our winters are generally so mild, I'm not sure they even qualify. We continue to have a drought in Southern California :(
    I hope your cow grows nicer over time. I love the photos of the girlies and cannot wait to look into those scones more. I have never heard of them. Will definately have to share them with the ladies on the FB group page Afternoon Tea Across America. Hugs to you sweet girl! ~Heather

  16. Oh Kelly-Anne, what a delight it was to read how life on the farm can be...the good, along with the not-so-good! The pictures of your sweet sisters are just adorable! I'm so glad to know that all in all, you are so thankful for living on the farm, surrounded by such joy, freedom, and blessings. Love and hugs, sweet friend!

  17. I have a,ways dreamed of living on a small farm. Im a city raised girl but have spent days on a small farm.. Rhough I dont think there was a cow. Horsrs and sheep and hens with a garden.. Molly seems like a challenge but Im sure it will show you much patience for the future.. I enjoyed your post and I love the hen being named Edith... Happy Rest of the week with love Janice

  18. Oh my, I had to laugh and cry with you! That Molly! Sounds like she is a real handful! I haven't had much experience with milking a cow, although my mom grew up milking them, and indeed having the milk is such a blessing, but there is an awful lot of work that goes into having a cow, especially one who likes to break out all the time, lol! I hope your fingers mend without any issues, and certainly choosing to look on the bright side of things is always the best way... the picture of Rebekah and Edith is just soo cute, and those scones looked scrumptious... how I would love to pop over for a visit, and a tasty scone with a cup of fresh milk {smiles}! May the Lord bless you in all your tasks that need to be accomplished for the day, hugs to you dear friend!


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