Monday, 31 October 2016

Caleb Courage...From Birth to Six Months

 Five days old...

 One week old...

Two weeks old...

 Three weeks old...

 One month old...

 Seven weeks old...

Eight weeks old...

Two months old...
Ten weeks old...

Just shy of three months...

 Three months old...

 Four months old...

Five months old...

 ...Almost six months...

 Six months...


  1. What a darling review of the past six months of your sweet baby brother. Your photos are precious! Enjoy your week, Kelly-Anne!♥♥♥

  2. Oh my goodness! There is just so much cuteness here! Love it.

  3. He really is such a gorgeous chap! Thank you for the photos!

  4. What a precious and sweet post! Mr. Caleb is getting to be quite a little boy now...won't be a baby for long! I know he is such a joy to your lives and I must say, he brings joy to all of your readers' lives as well each time you share and post pictures. I can't wait to see him as he grows up!

    I received your lovely email this morning....we've been crazy busy around here, but I'll respond soon! He looks quite handsome in his little outfit {{smiles}}

    Sending love and hugs your way....thinking of you often, my friend ♥


    P.S.- Happy first of November to you as well! Enjoy this second to last month of the year, dear Kelly-Anne!

  5. He is just so adorable Kelly-Anne! And boy how quickly they grow into their own little personality. Very precious!
    Have a delightful day!

  6. Thank you for fulfilling my need for cuteness today!

  7. Handsome boy! Love all the photos of him! What a treasure.

    Happy week to you, sweet girl!

  8. These are beautiful photos and he is just adorable!

  9. Hello sweet friend...I haven't been by in so long. Oh my goodness...what a sweet baby boy. He is adorable and he looks so very loved. What a joy to your lovely family. My baby sister was born when I was almost 17 and she was and is a delight. It was so fun to have her in our family. Love to you and your family.

  10. This is a great record of him, Kelly-Anne, very interesting to see the little changes ~ well, actually, quite big changes!
    The thing that strikes me (apart from the cuteness) is how his little person is reflecting the fun and joy of those who are around but out of shot, just like a mirror ~ it's heart~warming :)

  11. Oh my goodness, Kelly-Anne, I wish I could kiss that darling little Caleb Courage! He looks so much like you, and I can tell that you just adore that sweet baby boy. It was fun to see the changes through the first six months of his life. I know he is such a delight for your whole family!

  12. He just keeps getting cuter & cuter!

  13. My, my, he has grown so much; cuter and cuter!! He is such an adorable little man! {{smiles}}


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