Thursday, 6 October 2016

Stormy Day Musings

The sky is misty and greyA cold wind is blowing, bringing with it drenching rain, making me exceedingly glad  to be inside sipping a cup of freshly brewed coffee...  Ah, the simple pleasures in life....{{smiles}}

This morning after returning indoors with a foaming pail of warm milk, I looked through my seeds before venturing into the garden for bit where Mom joined me a little later on to plant a fair sized patch of beetroot.  
I long to serve beetroot from our garden at each evening meal and to preserve our harvest by making chutney and pickles.  I greatly anticipate the coming of warmer days when fresh produce begins to pour in and the season for preserving commences...

Today I discovered beautiful buds on the blackberry bushes...we only have a few plants, but I am interested to see what kind of harvest we have this year.  Did I mention that I am a particular fan of blackberry jam?  And you simply cannot beat homemade blackberry pie and farm cream...
Our farm efforts are still relatively small, but they are growing...too often we overlook that fact that all our milk is produced right here, we cook all our meals from scratch, often making the jams, pickles, etc. which are included in a recipe.  
Of course we would like to increase that which we already do, but it is not always possible whilst taking care of little ones, running a home business and keeping up with daily life...{{smiles}}

^ Wild carnation...

We have been living on this farm for over four years now and how much we have learnt along the way!  Of course we someday hope to own our own farm, but in the meantime we enjoy doing what we can to supplement our daily food consumption and perhaps make us some pocket money here and there along the way...  
Currently we trade milk with a fellow homesteader once a week for pasture range eggs...  We don't have enough of our own hens at present to keep us supplied with eggs, but that too will hopefully change in the not too distant future.

Today more butternut, courgettes, carrot and beetroot were planted, vegetable beds weeded and seedlings thinned and transplanted...  We finished just in time, for by tea time a storm had blown in which meant I could spend some time in my sewing room completing an order...

^ Freshly baked bread...

And now I am waiting for supper to finish cooking...I decided to try a new chicken dish, adding a few other lovely ingredients such as Swiss chard from the garden as well as fresh majoram...  Hopefully before too long we will be able to use baby tomatoes and peppers from our garden too.
Patience is key and I am learning to wait patiently and work diligently to achieve a good harvest...I also pray each day for the LORD to establish the work of our hands so that we would not only be able to feed our family, but bless others with healthy vegetables grown with love and care right here in our home garden.

"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish you the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish it."  ~ Psalm 90:7

Blessings on this beautiful day, dear readers...


  1. Loved this post! Isn't it just so fun to raise your own garden? I wish I could have done more this year, but we were so busy that it just didn't happen. Hoping next year though! I think it's so interesting that it is Spring where you are and fall here.:) We're getting into the apple season.:) Can't wait to can apple sauce and apple pie filling!!!!

  2. I love that Bible verse, Kelly-Anne. Oh, that is the cry of my heart, for if the Lord does not build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I am learning that more and more throughout life....without his blessing and the establishing of the work of our hands, nothing will prosper. We need Him in ever realm of this life. So happy to visit with you today, sweet friend. God bless you!

  3. How lovely to grow your own and have fresh eggs and milk! Happy for you that Spring is showing up in little ways. Summer is reluctantly letting go here while Fall shyly hangs around the edges. Another cool front is on its way and I cannot wait to feel the brisk air! Hope you and yours are well.
    Blessings and love, sweet friend.

  4. What a simply lovely post this was, dear Kelly-Anne! Those pictures were beautiful, and I must say that the homemade bread looks absolutely divine! That reminds me that I must make some for us, and soon {{winks}}

    I love hearing more about your country and farm life....what a joy it is to enjoy and take delight in the simple pleasures of daily, everyday, ordinary life ♥ There are many blessings to be found there!

    Hope all is well with you and your dear family! Thinking of you often, dear friend! Sending much love and many, many hugs your way!

    Enjoy your Friday!

  5. It sounds like you are having a lovely spring! The wild carnation is beautiful...and I wish I could pop over there and share some fresh bread with you - I can almost smell it. ;)

  6. Its somehow so gratifying to get all your work done just in time before the rain! Spring is temperamental, but soon summer sun will be beaming down and bringing on your plant crop.
    Beetroots are amazingly tasty, I love them roasted in a bit of balsamic glaze.

  7. This was such a lovely post, Kelly-Anne! Your garden sounds so wonderful and the signs of spring/summer you described make me want to come visit! {{smiles}} We are now in the thick of Autumn here, the trees are so beautiful, and today it has been raining all day, a sure sign that winter is on the way! Have a blessed day, my friend! {{smiles}}

  8. What a joy it was to visit with you today, and share in the joys of farm living! So wonderful to plant seeds, watch them grow into food for the family. We are getting rain here today too, it is a cool rain and perfect for staying inside and catching up on some blog reading. Your chicken dish sounds wonderful! Appreciate your wonderful outlook on life, and the simple joys of living that you share. Hugs to you today sweet friend!


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