Monday, 12 June 2017

Another Update...With Joy in My Heart!

Hello dear friends...
I write to you today with joy in my heart.
The Lord allowed us to return to Sedgefield yesterday (Sunday) afternoon after spending the night at a friend's home in George. 
This lady was out of town and couldn't get home due to the fires, so she graciously offered up her home to our family for the night.
This was the most wonderful blessing for us... 
We could rest for a few hours in peace and those who needed to could do so...
How merciful the Lord was to us, I am so deeply grateful.
Some in our community thought us very extreme (and perhaps panicked) in leaving Sedgefield with all our belongings and animals early Saturday morning, but we have subsequently heard from many other knowledgeable people that in actual fact, the situation could have gone either way...
Praise be the Lord, Sedgefield was spared and operations to help those who are misplaced continue in full force!  There are thousands of people who are homeless right now, but the community have come together and indeed, the whole country, to house those in need and see to providing for their immediate needs. 
I am in awe at the kindness, generosity and concern of people and how they have come to the rescue of our hurting, needy area.
And we are safe, dear friends...
I cannot begin to thank you enough for your prayers.  I feel so terrible that I could not update you yesterday, but I could only get an internet connection this evening.  Mom and I are sitting at an internet cafĂ© having a cup of coffee and feeling very humbled at the Lord's mercy and grace towards us.
As we receive new information each day, we are more humbled at how merciful the Lord was towards us in keeping us free from harm that Wednesday morning.  More and more we realise how incredibly fortunate we were to evacuate and that the fire did not flare up during the night whilst we were sleeping. 
So much could have happened, and yet, God in His mercy spared us and has truly opened the flood gates of Heaven and showered us with so many blessings. 
I greatly anticipate being able to share these precious stories of His grace and goodness with you in time.  What a wonderful Father we rich in love towards His children!
Dear friends, we are so well provided for...  We have lacked nothing and gifts continue to flow in in abundance.  We are humbled.  So many are having to sleep in new places each night or being housed along with hundreds of other people in tents...  And yet we have a house and a bed for each member of our family.  This is such a blessing for our family with so many little ones...
The Lord has used many people...our church...our close friends...even those we have not spoken to in years to help our family!  How great is our God?
Thus, even in the midst of such tragedy, the Lord receives the glory.  Despite the horror of the past couple days, the Lord has given us joy and peace.  And He has given us prayer warriors...each of you are so very precious and I thank you for the way you come to our aid and pleaded with the Lord for mercy.
The fires are under control...sense is being made of the absolute mayhem of the past few days. 
But hearts are still hurting and to be honest, we have not even had a chance to deal with the grief of loss.  Our little ones do not know the terrible news that their little friend is now resting with the Father...  Would you pray the Lord would prepare their hearts and give my parents the right words to speak to them? 
I hope to stop in tomorrow to write a more detailed update, but for now I just want to say how amazed I am at the love that has come pouring in from this wonderful community of bloggers! 
I am anticipating the day I can write to each of you will be such a joy to do that! 
I know you have been so concerned...
To God be the glory forever and ever...  He is rich in mercy and His love never fails.  My heart is overflowing with thankfulness....  He is building a beautiful testimony through our family...and how many others will have a similar story to share of God's grace?  I pray many will come to know the love of our Father through our testimony! 
We are in our current house till July 10th.  After that, we have no idea what the Lord will do!  We are trusting Him to open a door for a house to lease in town.  Houses are more than scarce, so we are asking the Lord for a miracle!  He has provided thus far, so I know we can trust that He holds tomorrow and has our lives in the palm of His mighty hand!
With ever so much love and joy and gratitude,


  1. My lovely friend,

    My heart is filled with such gladness and joy and thankfulness upon reading this update of yours! God is good and as the song says, He's got the whole world in His hands, including South Africa and those affected by this disaster!

    I am ever so happy that you all have found a safe place to stay for a whole month! That is terrific, and I know that the Lord will work something out for you all for the time after you leave this house.

    We will continue to lift you all up and flood heaven with prayers on your behalf...oh, my friend, I am bursting with gratefulness to our Father for His provision and protection over your family! THAT is truly a reason to have a bit of celebration in your heart!

    Can't wait to talk with you soon, but please don't feel pressured or rushed. Just rest as much as possible and take each day as it comes.

    Recently I came across a little reminder that if the Lord of all creation cared for the little flowers and birds and provides for all their needs, how much does He care for His children and provide all they need. I just wanted to share that little bit of encouragement for you and hope that it blesses your heart today. He is providing and making a way, my friend. Isaiah 43:19 says that He will make a way in the wilderness, and dear friend, He will make a way for your family. Trust and see!!

    Thinking of you very often, dear Kelly-Anne and sending lots of prayers!!

    Love always to you and your family!

  2. I'm so, so glad, Dearie, to have good news from you, let's trust in God and in His Favor, He never leave us alone in the darkness !!!

    Sending blessings across the many miles to you all

    XOXO Dany

  3. Hi Kelly-Anne, I heard of your situation through a friend of mine and am praying for you!! Be strong and very courageous and know that everything works together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! As I was reading your recent posts a song came to mind that I thought might be an encouragement to you. Angela Lupinacci wrote this song right after her family's home got burned to the ground.

  4. Kelly-Anne, that is wonderful news, and thank you for the update. Yes, God is good, and hears all our prayers. I do believe He sends us the right people in time of trouble. I'm still praying for you and your family, and you are being such a positive and nurturing sister to your siblings and a beautiful person despite what has happened.

    Thinking of you with love and comforting thoughts.


  5. Praying once again for all you have asked for in lifting up this request to our Heavenly Father! You are brave and may all of you sense His sweet presence and calm.
    You have seen and felt the hand of God's protection!
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. Thank you for the update, Kelly-Anne. I'm so glad that you hear that your family is safe and doing well. It's heartening to see your country coming together to help the fire victims.

  7. How happy I was to read your most recent post Kelly-Anne! I was in tears after reading your last post abut the young family that perished in the fire. I was looking up news about your area and found an article about this family....or at least I am fairly certain it must be the same family. Was she expecting a baby soon? Oh how my heart breaks for the family members of this beautiful family as well as the others who did not make it. Such a tragedy and so very sad. I am so thankful though that your family is safe and sound now and you have a home to stay in even if it is only temnporary. I will be praying that a home will become available to your family to lease. And, I will continue my prayers for your country. Much love and blessings to you and yours.

    Hugs and Prayers,

  8. I am so thankful and praising God for his love and mercy on you and your loved ones. His timing is always right and I believe you will find a home soon. Praying for you!

  9. This is such wonderful news, and your faith and praises are so inspiring! What a wonderful testimony you are in all of this!!

  10. Praise be to God, this post is an answer to prayers! I'm rejoicing with you this morning! Our God is so good! May He be glorified through all of this. Amen!
    So glad to hear you are safe and in a house for now. I will believe with you in prayer for His provision in the future. Also praying for the little ones to receive the news of loss with peace and comfort. May the Lord continue to bring peace and strength for the days ahead.
    God bless you,

  11. Praise our dear and loving Lord! What He has promised, He is able also to perform! Even though your trials are so great and your burdens so heavy, He is there in the midst of your fiery furnace, just as He was with the three Hebrew children. Thank you ever so much for your update, as we have surely been concerned and waiting to hear. We are praying often, dear friend, and sending much love to you and your dear family!!

  12. Thank you for the update dear one. Prayers are abounding and I am trusting our Lord to simply MARVEL your family. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Kelly-Anne thank you for taking the time to update. I will continue to pray for you and yours and that you find a home to live in.
    God Bless You and Yours

  14. Dear Kelly-Anne,

    You have been on heart and mind so much these past few days!! I thank the LORD to know you and your family have a home to live in at this time. I continue to pray for His comfort and provision for all of you. I will definitely pray for your little sisters as they receive the tragic news of the loss of their friend. Please know my mom, Adam and I have been praying and will continue to do so!! You are such a precious sister in the LORD.


  15. This was an encouraging post to read! Our Heavenly Father is always faithful!! I continue to pray for you and your family. Hugs!! Diane

  16. I'm so happy that you are safe and have a good place to stay for a little while! I hope that you have time to grieve and process soon and will be praying for the hearts of your little sisters. Thank you for sharing how faithful and gracious our Lord is!

  17. Kelly-Anne, I am so grateful for your faith and joy. It has encouraged me when I needed it and I continue to pray for you and your family.

  18. Dear Miss Kelly Anne,

    Please know that our family holds you in our prayers each day...and we have shared your story with others who are also praying for you and your family...and all those touched by the devastating fires. We are so thankful that God has provided you all with a place to stay until July...and will continue to pray that He will provide the perfect spot for you after that.

    Thank you for keeping us all updated on the situation. What a comfort for your family to know that God is in heart breaks for those who do not know Him...I pray that this time of trial will cause them to call out to Him for comfort and salvation.

    With love and prayers and big, big hugs from across the sea,
    Mrs. Laura


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