Friday, 31 May 2019

stopping in to say hello.

Hello lovely readers…happy first of June!
It feels so good to be stopping in a bit more frequently.

How I have missed the sweet simplicity and joy of blogging and long to return to the good old days.
Can you believe that this April marked my tenth year of blogging? 

I just want to take a moment to thank each of you for your kind comments and emails after reading my previous post.
I am truly touched by your love and thoughtfulness and blessed to have friends like you!
I am sitting out on our teeny balcony watching my wild little sister, Sofia, cycle around the apartment block before she comes in to practice her reading and do her maths.

While I am pretty much housebound and unable to do basic chores like dishes and cooking, I am rather helping a couple of the younger children with their schoolwork.

And as I mentioned in my previous post, I have been able to catch up with so much reading over the past two weeks. 

I have never been much of a reader, always preferring to do something else like cooking up something wonderful in the kitchen or getting my hands dirty in the garden.

But I have loved delving into these delightful stories; living amongst the characters and sharing in on their wonderful adventures…
Currently I am busy with Caddie Woodlawn – dear friends, how is it possible that I am only reading this charming story now?

I have also been brainstorming ideas and doing some planning.
Putting pen to paper and actually turning my scrambled thoughts into words is the first step in taking action and living a life of purpose.

And as I have begun to pour my heart into the pages of my journal and scribble in my notebook in an attempt to organise the millions of ideas floating around in my brain, a sense of excitement has started to well up in my heart.

I am excited about the goals I have for new hobbies I want to try and others I want to improve…ideas for growing my little business and embracing this beautiful life the Lord has blessed me with.

What have you been reading lately?
Do you have anything new on the horizon?

Love and blessings!


  1. Oh, my friend, I am so glad to hear that you are doing a bit better. And enjoying some creative inspiration time, too, of course. That's always fun {{smiles}} I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Reading time is always good, too. Tonight I'm planning on finishing a novel entitled, "The Printed Letter Bookshop". It's by Katherine Reay and is my second book of hers to read. While it is a good and enjoyable read, there are some things that bother me about it, so I much prefer the previous book that I read from her. That book was a true delight! It took me on a beautiful journey through the gorgeous countryside of felt as if I were actually there. Anyways, after I finish this novel, I have several appealing to me that I shall choose from. This year I am having an absolute blast delving headfirst into the world of fiction! It's a gift that's most welcome ♥

    It's crazy to think that June is already here, isn't it! Summer will be here in just a few weeks...then the year will be half over. Oh my! Time flies!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend...we're just planning on having a chilled out, relaxing weekend at home. Those are my favorite kind {{smiles}}

    Thinking of you and sending love and hugs!

    1. Oh, sweet friend...I love hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by for a visit and sharing what you've been reading lately.
      Indeed, this year has flown by and here we are in June! I'm looking forward to going home to winter and cosy days at home, snuggled up with chai tea and a good book!
      Sending you love, dear Libby - have a wonderful week further!

  2. My dear Miss Kelly-Anne,

    I have so missed reading your sweet is amazing how life can get so busy that time slips by much too quickly...I imagine that if you live close by we would enjoy wonderful visits together...for we share so many interests...and we both love the Lord dearly.

    You asked what folks have been reading...I have always enjoyed reading...and love going to the library to search for treasures. Now I have the privilege of sharing this love with my lately I am doing a LOT of reading to little ears! My three grandsons absolutely cherish any stories about trucks and cars.

    I have a new project that I am working on...I found an old dollhouse that I am doing over and making some furniture for...along with a little doll family...for my new granddaughter! Her big brother is helping me...telling me what each room needs...helping me choose colors...such a fun project!

    Rest your foot...enjoy your books (I too love Caddie Woodlawn!)and trust in Him to take care of it all...
    With love and hugs and prayers,
    Mrs. Laura

    1. Oh, what a blessing to have you stop in for a visit, dear Mrs Laura! I have missed our wonderful it would be if we could visit in person! {{Smiles}}

      I loved hearing how you are enjoying reading to your little grandchild... What a privilege for them and for you! I love children's stories, especially those with beautiful illustrations!

      Oh, and what fun to be decorating a dollhouse for your sweet new granddaughter! How precious...

      Thinking of you and sending love and hugs your way...

  3. Hi Kelly-Anne!
    I was so sorry to hear of your accident. I cannot imagine how trying it must be to be out of sorts with the injury. However, I am delighted to hear you are reading lots. I so love to read a really good book. Believe it or not I'd never heard of Caddie Woodlawn either, but I do, infact, I'm tempted to order a few of the books from
    Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Hello Toni...what JOY to have you pop in for a visit. And thank you for your kind words!
      I have loved having more time to read...I haven't tackled anything too heavy as there is a lot of distraction with the little ones around(the family live in an apartment here in China, so space is limited).
      I know you'll appreciate Caddie Woodlawn - it is absolutely delightful and would really appeal to anyone who is in pursuit of a simpler life!
      Blessings and love...

  4. Marion just finished Emma by Jane Austen, 4 book series Laurel the Wood Fairy, now reading Shining Windows by Kathleen Norris. Marilyn just finished 10 book series Adventures in the North Woods by Lois Wilfred Johnson and now just started My Dear Hamilton. We both have not read Caddie Woodlawn and we are adults. Glad you are feeling better. There is a sequel to Caddie Woodlawn.
    Marion and Marilyn

    1. Oh, I went and looked up the sequel to Caddie Woodlawn as soon as I read your comment!
      I loved this book...
      Thank you for stopping by and sharing what you've been reading... Emma by Jane Austen is a BIG favourite of mine!

  5. This is the first time I've heard of Caddie Woodlawn.

    I recently read "The Library Book", a non-fiction book about the LA library fire by Susan Orleans. I'm a huge library nerd so I really enjoyed reading about how libraries serve integral functions in their communities.

    1. Oh, thank you for stopping by, Margie!
      The Library Book sounds like an interesting book indeed!
      I remember helping out in our local library back when I was ten years was such a wonderful experience!
      Have a blessed Wednesday...

  6. I love Caddie Woodlawn! I had my middle-grade class at our homeschool co-op read it this spring, and I fell in love with it all over again in the process. Such a delight.

    1. Oh, so thrilled to hear we share a love for Caddie Woodlawn!
      Always so lovely to have you stop by, Hamlette!

  7. It is amazing how the Lord takes a difficult situation, and brings new life out of it! I was thrilled to hear how the Lord is working in your heart through this most unwelcome situation, and what a blessing you are to your younger siblings! Continuing in prayer for your quick healing! I have not heard of, or read Caddie Woodlawn, but you have piqued my interest! Blessings and hugs :)

    1. Dear Marilyn...
      I know you'll love Caddie Woodlawn! I felt so inspired through reading this little gem of a book!
      And thank you for your continued prayers... I am so touched by your thoughtfulness...
      It is a blessing to see how the Lord is using this situation for good!
      I hope you are well and enjoying the beginning of summer!
      Much love...

  8. Oh Kelley-Anne...I went back and read your previous post about your accident...I am SO sorry! I do hope by now that some healing is taking place and that life is getting just a bit easier. We just never know from one moment to another what will come our way do we? May the Lord continue to heal you so soon you will be as good as new! Prayers for quick healing, sweet friend!

    1. Hello dear Debby...thank you for taking the time to leave me a sweet note!
      And I truly appreciate your prayers! I can feel I've definitely made progress and am thankful I will have had four weeks to recover before making the long trek home!
      Thinking of you and holding you in my prayers...

  9. I am so glad you have been able to read and catch up on journaling and such, even though the circumstances aren't as lovely as we wish. I'm praying for your leg, sweet friend!

    Ooh, I absolutely love Caddie Woodlawn, I read it a few years ago and so enjoyed it! There is a sequel to it too that I really enjoyed! :)

    Many hugs and blessings to you, sweet friend!

    1. Dear Olivia....
      Thank you for your sweet visit and especially for your prayers. I am doing so much better and feel strong enough to fly back home to S. Africa next week. The Lord is so good!

      Oh, I am excited to read the sequel to Caddie Woodlawn now that you and one or two other sweet ladies have mentioned it!

      Thinking of you and sending love your way...oh, and there is a package waiting to be sent off to you as soon as I get home!

  10. God is helping you with patience by slowing down, Kelly-Anne! You can’t do anything but rest and heal, and you’re making good use with helping the young ones and doing reading for yourself. I haven’t heard of Caddie Woodlawn, but I’d like to check into it. Thank you for sharing with us, with your kind, gentle nature. Love and blessings to you. 🙏🏻

    1. Dear Kitty...
      Thank you for stopping by today and for blessing me with your sweet comment. Each day I see how the Lord is using this situation for good, and showing me things that I have only been able to see now that I've been forced to slow down. He is so faithful.
      Have a truly wonderful weekend - with much love,

  11. The pink roses are a delight for the eyes. You are one of the most caring and unselfish people I know watching over those little ones all the time. And to know and realize like you do that you are truly blessed to be able to do so is very special. : )


    1. Dear Sheri, you are so sweet!
      I wish I could say that - but really, the little ones are so patient and understanding with me...I am truly a work in progress! Now that Nancy and I are back on our own, we know without a doubt that life is better with little people in it!
      Blessings and love to you...


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