Thursday, 21 November 2019

in my world ~ november

 "Everyone should regularly have themselves overwhelmed by nature."

~ George Harrison

 ^Look how deep the stream is after all the rain we have had the past week!

^The little ones playing "Pooh sticks"

 ^The perfect imaginary airplane!

^Our two young explorers, Rebekah (10) and Sofia (8).

^I love taking photographs at the railway track!

^And it is always wonderful on an overcast day…makes for a dramatic backdrop!

 ^The three littles – Sofia, Rebekah and Caleb.


^We always enjoy our walks in the forest…
Outside my window…

The world outside is dark and rain is threatening.  I had hoped to take little one for her walk, but we will have to wait till the weather clears…
It would seem that winter is not quite finished with us yet with the past two weeks being cold and rainy…

In my cup…

Rooibos citrus tea.  I have started drinking more herbal and fruit teas so as to reduce my caffeine intake…  I think I am starting to acquire a taste for tea and enjoy trying out new flavours.

Around the house…

This past month saw us shifting rooms around so that both Nancy and I now have our own space, which has enabled me to do a lot more sewing in the evenings and early mornings.  I do miss having my younger sister, Gabrielle, in the room with me, though.


Last week I shared that one of my goals for this year was to read more and how I have more than achieved what I set out to accomplish. 
Recently I finished reading Twenty Years After (the sequel to The Three Musketeers) and Bonnie Dundee by Rosemary Sutcliff, as well as Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell.
I picked up The Yearling again and am slowly but surely getting through it.  Although I do think it a wonderful story and really well written, I confess that I am dragging my heels through this book.  I am hoping to start Jo’s Boys this week….

Listening to…

Celtic Woman just released their lovely new Christmas album, The Magic of Christmas.  I know I said I was going to wait till December to start listening to Christmas music…but oh well…I simply couldn’t resist!  {{smiles}}

Thankful for…

It may be almost summertime, but the weather is still pretty cool during the day, and the nights cold.
I love this in between weather and enjoy being able to spend as much time as possible out of doors.  I still walk for about an hour every day with the little girl in my care - soon it will be too hot to do this and I will have to see about squeezing in a walk before work or in the evenings…

From the kitchen…

It is preserving time in our home and I have been spending many a happy hour in the kitchen pickling, preserving and bottling.  So far I have made pickled onions, beetroot relish, tomato chilli jam and strawberry jam.  Soon apricots will be coming in and I can’t wait to start making apricot jam and chutney.
I am expecting a good harvest of cucumbers (I planted so many this year) and would very much like to make my own gherkins with the new cucumbers.


As I mentioned last week, I have been spending all my free time in my sewing room.  I am feeling pretty confident about being finished in time for this year’s gift market if I can just keep up this pace.  I also had an order come in (Thank you, Lord), so I need to fit this in somewhere along the line too.  {{smiles}}

In the garden…

My little garden is growing quite prolifically at the moment…  Soon we will be harvesting cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  The squash has just begun to flower and we haven’t bought any lettuce, spinach or herbs in a long while.  Of course, with limited space, one can only grow so much.  I like to squeeze as much in as possible and use up whatever containers I have on hand.

Out and about…

With the weeks being so busy, I haven’t been out and about all that much.
We did spend a Saturday visiting the open gardens in our area, though, which you can hop over and read about here.


Some evenings our family gather to watch an episode of Little Men, a series inspired by the writings of Louisa May Alcott.  Despite being quite old, it is well acted and a series we all enjoy watching.

One of my favourite things…

In the evenings once the little ones have gone to bed, Mom and I make some chamomile tea and sit together for a few minutes before bed…I always love winding down my day in this way.

Dreaming of…

There is a good chance my dearest friend will be visiting this December.  We haven’t seen each other in almost two years as her family moved back to the States…  We are both praying that this trip to South Africa will work out for her family.
My dad comes home for a three-week holiday in January, so we are starting to count down to his arrival. 

I am hoping…

That the weather will play along for the camping trip we have planned for this weekend coming.  There will be around fourteen of us going (friends, and friends of friends), so it should be great fun and I know we will make a lot of wonderful memories!

Quiet moments…

My favourite time of the day has always been early morning when the world is only just awakening.  I love to take my coffee outside and sit for a few minutes savouring the quiet while I sip my morning cuppa.  Of course, with little ones in the house who also happen to be early risers, what little peace there is (we live in a very busy part of town) can sometimes be shattered!

Well, sweet readers.  I would love to hear what is going on in your part of the world this November…




  1. Beautiful photos! I love taking pictures on railroad tracks too.
    I'm going to have to look for the Celtic Women CD.

  2. Your month sounds wonderfully delightful, dear friend! All of your preserving projects sound so fun and I'm sure the results of all your labors will be well enjoyed over the coming months.

    We, too, are in for a week of rain and more rain, and I'm hoping that it brings back the cold weather that we had last week. For now, though, we're just busy preparing for Thanksgiving next week...then it will be time to decorate for Christmas.

    I loved this little peek in to your world. Your photos were lovely as always...and Caleb looks like quite the little pilot there on his imaginary plane. (There's a scene exactly like that in a children's movie called "Barney's Great Adventure" which Julia and I loved when we were little.)

    Sending much love to you, sweet friend! ♥

    P.S.- You're not the only one to have already broken out the Christmas music... I'm guilty, too! I have no shame, though...hee!

  3. Thank you. I enjoyed this post.

  4. Such a cozy blogpost! I listening now 'The magic of Christmas' on spotify, love it!


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