Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Stopping in to say hello.

 Well hello lovely friends…

I do hope this finds each of you well?

It is blissfully quiet as I write, and I am reveling in the peace.
Cup of citrusy rooibos tea in hand, I am determined to write a little something to share with you all today.
It certainly has been a long while since last I wrote…

To say that life has been a whirlwind of activity would be an understatement, although I have come to realise that every day in our household is filled to the brim with all sorts of happenings, and that the only peace one finds is at night, and even then there are no guarantees.

As I am still working during the day as a nanny to a now five-month old baby girl, my time is even more limited. 
I am also still building up a stock for the upcoming gift market in December, which means I have to squeeze in sewing time in the evenings or early mornings. 
With daily life being added to the mix, it really feels like a juggling game some days!

But in amongst the busy and sometimes mundane flow of our lives, there are out of the ordinary things that pop up and add some sweet excitement, such as the wedding Nancy and I recently attended…

We hadn’t been to a wedding in years, so it was a delight to be invited to a friend’s wedding on the beautiful rose farm across the mountain…
As Nancy played violin for the wedding, we had to be at the venue early in the morning for set up and practice. 



Saturday morning dawned overcast and rainy, so we could take a few dramatic looking pictures in the gorgeous purple lavender fields…
How I wish I had taken my camera with me and didn’t have to simply make do with a cell phone camera!
Thankfully the rain cleared and the sun came out by the time the ceremony began and the rest of the day was glorious!

^A quick sister selfie among the lavender

It was a special day of celebrating, but we were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home.

I just have to share these pictures of our adorable little guy.
He loves it when we take him to the green belt near our house for a run with our new adopted dog, Timmy.
Usually we go in the afternoon or early evening for us older girls to stroll and unwind and the little ones to get rid of some excess energy!
 ^Is that a mischievous face or what?!

Summertime is coming and I am looking forward to afternoons spent swimming with my siblings, tending my little garden where time allows, basking in the richness of God’s glory and making the absolute most of every day He has made.

I’ll be stopping in again in the next day or so with pictures from the delightful Saturday we spent visiting beautiful open gardens and delighting in the beauty all around us!

Blessings and love,



  1. Beautiful photos!
    So nice to visit here, as it is always cozy and calming.
    And nannying for a baby? Bliss! : )

    1. Oh, you are so sweet! I love to have you atop by, Billie Jo!
      Aww yes... Baby Mia is a darling and we enjoy spending our days together.
      Love and hugs,

  2. What great photos of the wedding venue. I'm at the stage where I'm attending more baby showers than weddings. HA! The next wedding for me is my cousin's nuptials in 2020.

    1. Always so lovely to have you visit, Margie! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a sweet note too!
      I am hoping there will be more weddings in the near future as the rest of our friends start getting married! And then I bet there will be loads of baby showers to attend!
      Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Such a lovely post and a little catch-up with you, dear friend! You and Nancy look absolutely beautiful in your dresses, and especially surrounded by such gorgeous nature...looks like something out of a storybook.

    Oh. I am so excited that you all got a new puppy...I cab only imagine the fun your house is filled with these days! Can't wait for your next post! Sending much love, dear friend! ♥

  4. These are beautiful photos my friend! I'm glad that you had a chance to enjoy these lovely things, as well as a moment to blog. Have a lovely summer!


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