Saturday, 30 July 2022

Nicholas at six months

Once again, this update is a bit late.  Things have been pretty crazy around here with my husband preparing for the annual knifemakers guild show.  He is actually in Johannesburg at the moment, and my sisters are staying with me.

Yesterday we managed to do a little photoshoot which I will share soon.  I have been trying to get more photographs with my little guy, and I am so pleased with how they came out!  Thanks goes to Gabrielle for being the photographer.

Nicholas turned six months old on the 21st - I can't believe that he is now closer to his first birthday than to a newborn.  He is such a joy and he makes life so much fun!

Nicholas at six months...

 ♥He loves eating banana and avocado all by himself (the baby-led weaning way).

 ♥He adores Fletch, our Border Collie.  Fletch always makes Nicholas laugh and is currently the best babysitter.

♥Although he still loves being around other people, he isn't so keen on being held by anyone other than Mommy and Daddy and maybe his aunties.

♥He is very eager to get up and walk - he seems so frustrated to be stuck in his baby body!

♥He is very vocal and is especially loud when he's tired.

♥He loves going out with Daddy.

♥The smiles he gives to Mommy are too precious.

♥He is back to napping for only 30-45 minutes at a time, and he is down to three naps a day.  Night time sleep is still all over the place...some nights he wakes every two hours, other nights he will sleep up to 6.5 hours at a time.

♥He loves snuggling with Mommy each morning (I usually pop him in the bed with me around 4 or 5 each morning otherwise he won't go back to sleep and we start our day way too early!).

♥He absolutely loves being in his Jolly Jumper - he starts jumping before I have even got him in properly.

♥His daily walks make him so happy.

♥He still does not enjoy being on his tummy, and would always much rather sit.

Although Nicholas is a much happier chap these days, he is still pretty intense, gets bored easily and does not want to be left alone.

I love being mama to this little boy.  My heart is so full.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

in the month of july//a chatty update

 We are already over halfway through the month of July.  Having a little one definitely makes me more aware of how quickly the days slip by...  Nicholas will be six months old this week.  I can't believe that my little boy is already sitting up, eating real food and bouncing away in his Jolly Jumper.

Much as I adore tiny babies, I those newborn days were rough, and I am enjoying having him be a bit more independent.  He is so adorable and such a friendly little guy - he has a smile for everyone!  Stay tuned for his six month update coming soon.

^Rucus sent me this photo of Nicholas when they were out on Sunday.

Lately my husband has been taking Nicholas out every now and again to give me some time to rest or catch up on housework without having to stop and play with Nicholas or move him to a different activity.  He started with a few quick trips for milk or bread, and now they're gone for almost an hour at a time.  I love that Nicholas is getting to spend time with his Daddy.  Watching the two of them interact is so precious.  

Rucus has been very busy in the workshop creating special pieces for the annual knifemakers guild show coming up at the end of this month.  He is currently working two jobs to support our little family.  I so appreciate what he does for us and I have really enjoyed watching each beautiful sword and dagger come together...  You can see what he's been up to by visiting his Instagram here.

Now that Nicholas is in a good bedtime routine, we have a date night at home every Wednesday.  Once Nicholas is in bed, we make homemade hamburgers and chips, and sit together and watch a movie.  If you have any good, clean movie recommendations, please share in the comments!  We also try and go out for a coffee once a week, too.  Usually Nicholas is happy to sit on the grass and play with his toys while we chat and sip our coffee.

^Nicholas loves playing in the leaves.

My sister, Gabrielle, has been such a blessing to me the last couple weeks.  She comes to help me with housework, or to keep Nicholas entertained while I do some sewing.  This month she actually stayed over for two nights to keep me company because Rucus needed to spend some extra time in the workshop.  We watched Singin' in the Rain together one evening which was such fun!  

^Reading stories with his aunty.

I recently organised my sewing supplies and hope to work on a few fun projects over the next few weeks.  My sweet sister in law is getting married at the end of August, and I'm really hoping to make a few things for her new home Last week I sewed a few velvet cushions for displaying the blades Rucus is taking to the show.

^Gorgeous views...

I am surprised that we have had so little wintry weather this month.  I love these cooler sunshiny days as I like to take Nicholas for one or two walks each day, and we sit outside as much as possible.  

^Someone loves going for a ride in his pram!

When it is cold and rainy, I like to make good comfort food.  I have been making this delicious chicken and gnocchi soup almost every week for the past month or so as it is Rucus' favourite.  I am really enjoying cooking again and it is something I can do even if Nicholas is having a bad day.  I just babywear him and carry on.

^A quick selfie:-)

Nicholas and Fletch, our Border Collie puppy, have become firm friends, and while I make coffee each morning, Nicholas sits on his play mat and Fletch lies next to him and "babysits" him while I'm busy.  

I had best bring this little update to a close. My baby is sleeping and I want to get the floors washed before he wakes up.  I am sure you can tell how much I adore little Nicholas by all the photographs of him in this post!  

I am really enjoying blogging again and have so many ideas for future posts.  I am feeling more and more like myself and inspired to write!

What have you been up to this month?

Blessings on the rest of your week, friends!

Sunday, 17 July 2022

when all you can do is rock the baby

Its been a tough week.  Nicholas has been teething and boy, has he been miserable. 

By the time Saturday rolled around, I was fed up with his constant moaning, and feeling pretty grumpy myself from all the night wake ups and crying.

Of course I went and spilled my morning coffee (something I always look forward to each day), and by the time I had made a new cup, Nicholas was already due for a nap, so my second coffee got cold.

Ridiculous as it may sound, I had a good cry and allowed some self pity to creep in...

Too often I catch myself allowing my circumstances to determine my mood.
Don't get me wrong, a cranky baby and tiredness are two very good reasons for a bad mood, but I realise that as a wife and mom, I have a responsibility to set the tone in the home, and if I'm miserable, I'm going to bring those around me right down with me.

"Motherhood is the journey out of our self-centeredness."
~ Kate Marchiniak

After Nicholas woke from his nap, my husband took him for a little drive so I could have a shower in peace, get dressed and even put some make up on.
While getting myself ready for the day, I started praying and asking the Lord for the strength to rise above my feelings and for joy to fill my heart once again.

Yes, life with a teething baby is not fun and I may be frustrated because I'm just too tired to do anything during his nap time besides taking a nap myself, or maybe read a page or two of my book, but I can still be happy and have a good day.

On the days when you all you want do is climb back into bed and grumble because your baby isn't sleeping and just fusses all the time, stop.  Take a deep breath, and ask the Lord for an extra helping of grace and strength.

Choose to be joyful.  I know it seems impossible. But I saw a huge turn around in my day when I took those negative thoughts captive and gave thanks.  I actually ended up having a wonderful day.

"Embrace your calling of motherhood. You live in the glory of who you were created to be when you are nurturing and nourishing your children."
~ Nancy Campbell

Here are six easy ways you can change the direction of your day when things are going rough...

1. Get ready for the day, even if it means the baby has to cry for a few minutes. Take a shower, get dressed in something pretty - what we wear can have a big impact our mood - and put a touch of make up on.
2. Think of three things you are thankful for and write them down. You can do this with the baby in the carrier.
3. Go for a walk, even if it's cold.  Just bundle up.  Fresh air and exercise is bound to lighten your mood.  Wear baby in the carrier if he won't sit in the pram without grumbling.
4. Have a friend who is in a similar stage of life over, or if that isn't possible, call them.  A few good laughs over the challenges of mama life will get those endorphins going!
5. Make a cup of tea, put a picnic blanket down on the grass and just sit with your baby and soak up the sunshine. Vitamin D always lifts the spirits.
6. Make a joyful noise. Listen to uplifting and edifying music or hum a happy tune. Singing always makes me feel good and sets a peaceful tone in the home.

Do you have a small baby? Are you also in the midst of a difficult season?
Share your tips for being joyful in spite of the challenges of motherhood!

With love,

Thursday, 7 July 2022

becoming a mom//i am so fulfilled

  “The very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone.” – Jane Austen

I thought I was prepared to be a mom....  I may have been around babies most of my life, having grown up as the eldest in a family of seven and worked as a nanny in my early twenties, but let me tell you, motherhood hit me hard.

I don't think I was really prepared for just how exhausting and all consuming being a mom would be...

In a moment you become everything to this tiny human who screams louder than should be possible for one so small, and demands more from you than you ever thought it possible to give.

Your world becomes a blur as you nurse this hungry little person at your breast and spend hours rocking him to sleep...  Your hormones and emotions seem to spin out of control as you try to process the fact that you just became a MOTHER...

“Along came this precious little boy, and no day was ever ordinary again.” – Anonymous

I never expected to love someone so small that it hurts...

After the difficulty I went though in bringing my son into this world, I feel an incredibly strong bond with him...  He was absolutely worth it.

I want to protect him from all the pain and evil in this world, and would give anything to keep him safe.  

Motherhood is hard, and often completely overwhelming, and yet so wonderful and rewarding at the same time...

 “Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I’d be fine.” – Jenny McCarthy

Even on the difficult days when Nicholas is fussing and will only be in my arms, there is still no where else I would rather be, or anything I would rather be doing...

I always dreamed of being a wife and mother...

I feel completely and utterly fulfilled as Nicholas'mom...I know I have truly have found my purpose in life.