Sunday, 17 July 2022

when all you can do is rock the baby

Its been a tough week.  Nicholas has been teething and boy, has he been miserable. 

By the time Saturday rolled around, I was fed up with his constant moaning, and feeling pretty grumpy myself from all the night wake ups and crying.

Of course I went and spilled my morning coffee (something I always look forward to each day), and by the time I had made a new cup, Nicholas was already due for a nap, so my second coffee got cold.

Ridiculous as it may sound, I had a good cry and allowed some self pity to creep in...

Too often I catch myself allowing my circumstances to determine my mood.
Don't get me wrong, a cranky baby and tiredness are two very good reasons for a bad mood, but I realise that as a wife and mom, I have a responsibility to set the tone in the home, and if I'm miserable, I'm going to bring those around me right down with me.

"Motherhood is the journey out of our self-centeredness."
~ Kate Marchiniak

After Nicholas woke from his nap, my husband took him for a little drive so I could have a shower in peace, get dressed and even put some make up on.
While getting myself ready for the day, I started praying and asking the Lord for the strength to rise above my feelings and for joy to fill my heart once again.

Yes, life with a teething baby is not fun and I may be frustrated because I'm just too tired to do anything during his nap time besides taking a nap myself, or maybe read a page or two of my book, but I can still be happy and have a good day.

On the days when you all you want do is climb back into bed and grumble because your baby isn't sleeping and just fusses all the time, stop.  Take a deep breath, and ask the Lord for an extra helping of grace and strength.

Choose to be joyful.  I know it seems impossible. But I saw a huge turn around in my day when I took those negative thoughts captive and gave thanks.  I actually ended up having a wonderful day.

"Embrace your calling of motherhood. You live in the glory of who you were created to be when you are nurturing and nourishing your children."
~ Nancy Campbell

Here are six easy ways you can change the direction of your day when things are going rough...

1. Get ready for the day, even if it means the baby has to cry for a few minutes. Take a shower, get dressed in something pretty - what we wear can have a big impact our mood - and put a touch of make up on.
2. Think of three things you are thankful for and write them down. You can do this with the baby in the carrier.
3. Go for a walk, even if it's cold.  Just bundle up.  Fresh air and exercise is bound to lighten your mood.  Wear baby in the carrier if he won't sit in the pram without grumbling.
4. Have a friend who is in a similar stage of life over, or if that isn't possible, call them.  A few good laughs over the challenges of mama life will get those endorphins going!
5. Make a cup of tea, put a picnic blanket down on the grass and just sit with your baby and soak up the sunshine. Vitamin D always lifts the spirits.
6. Make a joyful noise. Listen to uplifting and edifying music or hum a happy tune. Singing always makes me feel good and sets a peaceful tone in the home.

Do you have a small baby? Are you also in the midst of a difficult season?
Share your tips for being joyful in spite of the challenges of motherhood!

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Wise thoughts indeed. Choose to be joyful, make time for a cuppa, and “do the next thing” , even if simply cleaning up spilled coffee and offering comfort through another teething spell —it is so true how quickly our mood can turn around when resolving to move forward in trying moments with positivity! I must remember this more often, lol.
    You’re a wonderful mom, and lovely example of learning to carry out your calling in the home in a God-honoring way.
    Blessed by you sharing today friend… Ashleigh


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