Thursday, 7 July 2022

becoming a mom//i am so fulfilled

  “The very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone.” – Jane Austen

I thought I was prepared to be a mom....  I may have been around babies most of my life, having grown up as the eldest in a family of seven and worked as a nanny in my early twenties, but let me tell you, motherhood hit me hard.

I don't think I was really prepared for just how exhausting and all consuming being a mom would be...

In a moment you become everything to this tiny human who screams louder than should be possible for one so small, and demands more from you than you ever thought it possible to give.

Your world becomes a blur as you nurse this hungry little person at your breast and spend hours rocking him to sleep...  Your hormones and emotions seem to spin out of control as you try to process the fact that you just became a MOTHER...

“Along came this precious little boy, and no day was ever ordinary again.” – Anonymous

I never expected to love someone so small that it hurts...

After the difficulty I went though in bringing my son into this world, I feel an incredibly strong bond with him...  He was absolutely worth it.

I want to protect him from all the pain and evil in this world, and would give anything to keep him safe.  

Motherhood is hard, and often completely overwhelming, and yet so wonderful and rewarding at the same time...

 “Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I’d be fine.” – Jenny McCarthy

Even on the difficult days when Nicholas is fussing and will only be in my arms, there is still no where else I would rather be, or anything I would rather be doing...

I always dreamed of being a wife and mother...

I feel completely and utterly fulfilled as Nicholas'mom...I know I have truly have found my purpose in life.


  1. Kelly-Anne, I loved reading your thoughts about being a Mother. There is nothing like it, is there? And when they're 4 or 40, you always worry about them and hold them deep in your heart. Hang in there with the breastfeeding. I believe it's a wonderful thing. I love these photos, they are precious, and will be a beautiful reminder of the time spent with your baby boy.


    1. Dearest Sheri, it was so lovely to hear from you...thank you for your sweet note!
      Tough as it is, being a mom is the absolute best thing that happened to me!
      Sending hugs!

  2. From the moment they are placed in our arms, our hearts are knit to our children.
    Nicholas is a beautiful little man. I know he has made your home very special.
    He is blessed to have a loving mommy and daddy.

  3. Welcome to motherhood. The very best vocation there is. : )

  4. I always dreamed of being a mom...sometimes it feels so surreal to now actually BE one!

  5. Hi Kelly-Anne;
    Happy to receive your recent post. Nicholas is a beautiful boy. You and Nicholas are thing of poetry in the photo. Hope all is well with your entire family. Wishing you a happy and wonderful Winter.
    God Bless

    1. Aww you are so sweet, Marion! Always so lovely having you visit!

  6. Thank you for the update. Nicholas is a beautiful baby boy. He is getting so big. God Bless.

    1. I can't believe he will be six months old this week! Thank you for your kind visit, Marilyn!

  7. Well I just spent the last several minutes catching up on your life. I have no idea why your posts were not showing up in my feed but they suddenly did today. Anyway I am so glad they did. Your sweet little boy is just as adorable as can be. I loved reading all about him. Such a wonderful joy for you and your husband.

    1. Dear Ida, it was absolutely lovely to hear from you! I am so enjoying reconnecting with old blog friends... Life has been crazy the past few years and so much has changed... Hoping to be a bit more regular with posting from now on! Hugs!


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