I desperately want to craft, but I have no idea where to begin...or how!"
We have had many a lady say this to us over the years....
I will admit that oftentimes I too doubt myself and my creative abilities (a form of pride, I believe...) simply because something is new or slightly more challenging.
For instance, I have lately become interested in attempting more complicated patterns and taking my sewing to a whole new level...
Daunted as I may feel, I realise that in order to make any progress at all, I need to actually make a start. I need to view it as a challenge!
What would my advice be to someone eager to try their hand at a new craft or hobby but maybe hesitant to take the first step? How would I answer the above question?
Let me share with you what I am learning at the moment and how I am stretching myself with regards to sewing. I do hope you will be inspired to further challenge yourself, whether you are an enthusiastic beginner or an old hand at your craft...
~ Make a start ~
Creativity is something that can take place anywhere.
On your dining room table...on the sofa...even the floor!
I remember being most intrigued watching a lady cut out a dress on the tiles of her living room because she didn't have enough space anywhere else!
If we wait for the perfect set up or the perfect tools, it is more than likely we will never get anything achieved and become discouraged to even try...
Oh, it is wonderful to have a neat and well-stocked craft room, but it is not necessary when the aim is to be creative. I would strongly encourage you to not wait any longer!
If you need a few tools for your specific craft, invest in them, but you needn't buy the most expensive ones or everything a certain craft book suggests.
Talk to someone who already knows something about your chosen hobby and get tips from them, they are usually more than happy to share what they've learnt! For instance, a rotary cutter is so handy and saves plenty of time, but it is not essential. We sewed for years without the aid of one...
This is one area I cannot stress enough. If you are not intentional, chances are you will never take that first step! When I was younger and very much into paper craft, my mom and I would sit and make cards or a scrapbook page one evening a week.
We marked our creative session on the calendar and cooked a simple meal that night which was served early so that we would have sufficient time for pursuing our favourite hobby.
Even experienced crafters have to be intentional about what they want to achieve. Unless I physically set aside time, I don't get a chance to sew for pleasure.
Make sure you have the items you need for each session ready, otherwise you might become discouraged or frustrated. When starting out, it also really helps to have an image or idea to follow.
~ Allow room for error ~
Experienced crafts make mistakes too, did you know that?
You will make mistakes along the way, but that is how you learn and grow!
And keep in mind that each time you supposedly make a mistake, you will become more experienced. Your work can only get better...
I must say, I look back at some of my very first cards (which I was proud of then, mind you) and cannot for the life of me understand why I chose to coordinate certain papers or use a specific ribbon! And my first few sewing projects were atrocious!
Give yourself room to grow...and practice, practice, practice...
~ Increase your knowledge ~
This is something I myself am always doing!
Currently, as aforementioned, I am working on increasing my sewing skills.
Thus, the internet is my best source of information right now...I am watching YouTube videos, following sewing blogs and familiarising myself with new terms and techniques.
This can be very daunting, but push yourself - you can do it!
Speak to experienced crafters...I know I always love to share anything I have learnt with anyone just starting out! Perhaps they'll even offer to teach a few basics...
There is no shame in learning and we are never too old to be taught something new!
~ Be the best version of yourself ~
I couldn't imagine a life without creativity.
Creativity is something I eat, sleep and breathe!
I believe creativity is a gift the Lord gave to each of us...but it is up to us to develop it.
The Lord is the ultimate Creator and a lover of beauty...
I believe it brings Him joy to see His children embracing the unique gifts He gave them.
Each person is different with specific tastes and ideas...
Express yourself through your craft, whatever it may be.
If there is one thing I can leave you with it would be to never look to another crafter for what is the 'right' design or way to do something...
Seek inspiration and ask for advice, by all means, but strive to create with your own personal flair.
Your creations are unique simply because they are
yours...they may look completely different to mine, but how wonderful!
This world would be very boring indeed if we were all exactly alike with nothing to define our individuality?

Above all...do everything as if you are doing it for the Lord...let it be your motto.
Keep this Scripture in mind and seek to bring Him glory through your creativity!
And don't forget to have fun! {{smiles}}
Whether you like sewing, pretty fabric or paper, here are a few simple tutorials from around the blog to get you started...
How to make simple elegant pin cushions {Tutorial}
Crafty greetings,
P.S. These are a just a few of the items of clothing I have been experimenting with lately as well as a couple of my previous projects...
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