It is not often that I participate in tags, but I simply could not pass this one up, being a devoted Jane Austen lover as I am...
Shockingly, I was actually fourteen when I first discovered the delights of Jane Austen!
A friend said I should come over and watch the 2005 film adaption of Pride and Prejudice with her and from that day onward, I have been a devotee of all things Austen. I recall picking up the book the next day and not being able to put it down! The rest is history...
2. What is your favourite Austen book?
I have read all Austen's books several times each and I am still unable to pick a favourite...I seem to change my mind every few months! Currently, Mansfield Park is a favourite of mine, but I have loved Emma since first reading it some years ago.
3. Favourite heroine? Why do you like her best?
I love Elizabeth Bennet...she is witty and ahead of her time!
But, truth to be told, I love all Jane Austen's characters equally with the exception of Lady Susan Vernon!
4. Favourite hero? Why do you like him best?
Mr Knightly is probably my favourite hero...he is a true and loyal friend and in the end...a devoted lover.
5. Do you have a favourite film adaptation of Austen's work?
I adore the 2009 BBC adaption of is beautiful in every way from the music to the costumes to the casting of the characters. In my humble opinion, there could not have been a better choice for Emma than Romola Garai!
6. Have your Austen tastes changed over the years? (Did you start out liking one story best, but now like another better? Did you think she was boring at first, then changed your mind? Etc.)
As I was only introduced to Austen in my teens, I seem to think my taste has remained pretty much the same.
7. Do you have any cool Austen-themed things (mugs, t-shirts, etc)? (Feel free to share photos if you want.)
Can you believe it, I do not! Jane Austen is not so well known in South Africa as other countries perhaps and the only thing I have ever seen that was Austen was a Pride & Prejudice colouring book which I would have bought on the spot if my purse hadn't been emptied at the craft store earlier that day! {{smiles}} I might just go back and get it...what could be better than a Pride and Prejudice colouring book? I have almost all the soundtracks from Austen film adaptions on my laptop though, including the one from Becoming Jane which I doubt I could tire of!
8. If you could ask Jane Austen one question, what would you ask her?
Only one question? How could I narrow my questions down to only one?
9. Imagine someone is making a new film of any Jane Austen story you choose, and you get to cast the leads. What story do you want filmed, and who would you choose to act in it?
A new Mansfield Park adaption would be excellent! I felt that the most recent BBC adaption was lacking in something... Fanny Price is so sweet that it would have to be an actress with a shy innocence about her...I will have to ponder that question a little!
10. Share up to five favourite Jane Austen quotations!
"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart."
~ Jane Austen
“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” ~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
"Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort."
~ Jane Austen
Happy new week to you, friends!
Hello, my friend! Oh, Kelly-Anne! How fun this post was to read! I must admit, that I have never read any of Jane Austen's books nor have I seen any of the movies. Julia has watched several of them and LOVES them to pieces! Just last night I was telling her that I want to watch Pride and Prejudice very soon, as it is one of her favorites. Perhaps I will even pick up a book some time to read it in the near future...we have them all in a set in our family bookcase. I do so love that time period and of course the settings are quite dreamy as well {{smiles}}
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned a coloring book with a Jane Austen theme. Last summer, Julia bought one that has the most splendid pictures. Oh, is it ever so pretty to look at!
I had such fun reading this tag went about it in such a fun, charming way. It felt as though you were telling me about all your favorite Austen-themed favorites while sipping tea!
Hope you have a lovely Sunday, dear friend! Much love and many hugs to you ♥
I love the 2009 Emma! I think Romola Garai makes her so much more likeable than other actresses have in the past. Great answers :)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your answers!:-) And I agree, Romola Garai was the perfect Emma.
ReplyDeleteI do not care for the 2007 Mansfield Park, either, but the 1997 one is alright. If you haven't seen it, you should give it a go as it is much better. Though, I will say, that the story could definitely use an updated adaptation.
Lovely answers, Kelly-Anne! And I adore all the pictures that you put in this post. :) I'm off now to answer this tag myself!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhh, there are so many good Jane Austen film soundtracks, aren't there? I have several I greatly enjoy too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining the party!
This was neat! How cool you are such a Jane Austin fan, I myself have never watched the films or read the books! Ha-ha! {{smiles}}
ReplyDeletePlease don't think I've forgotten you, I have been busy with a lot of school lately, so I will be emailing you very soon hopefully!
Dear Kelly-Anne,
ReplyDeleteI do hope this week has been full of much blessings and joy, dear friend ♥
It has been far too long since I have visited you my lovely friend and I have missed reading your always lovely, encouraging, beautiful words and sharings. I have not been regular on my blog or reading blogs and posts due to busyness lately, but I think of you often and am so happy to be visiting you today.
How I thoroughly enjoyed reading this glorious post! Ahh, the wonder and sheer delight of the Austen world. I loved reading your answers and thoughts, and it inspired me to venture deeper into the books as I have not delved into Austen nearly as much as I'd like.
What a fun tag! And I loved the oh so wonderful quotes you shared, as well. Such wisdom Jane Austen had in her words and thoughts.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Hugs and many blessings to you!