Allow me to introduce to you, the most recent addition to our already bustling household...
Our sweet kitty, Oscar, who joined our family back in December...
We got him as a scrawny, five week old rescue kitten whose eyes were too big for his wee head and had a scruffy mustard coloured coat...
He looked like he was crossed with a racoon, a rat and an old, worn slipper thrown in for good measure...we wondered how on earth we had come to fall for such a cat...
But we believe he was sent to us.
Oscar has captured our hearts and become a special member of our family indeed...
It proved to be a case of The Ugly Duckling, for Oscar is now quite beautiful with dark markings on his paws, large ears and face and his smooth coat is of light colouring...he has exquisite greeny -blue eyes too which, when he is in his feral mood, gleam brightly with ferocity!
Although the sweetest of kitties and so very loving (he joins us wherever we may be...washing the garden), Oscar has a wild side like any other cat, but these strange moods come on all of a sudden.
Thus, you may be cuddling him tenderly and in the next instant, he'll attempt to bite your finger off or attack your hand...
Poor Sofia, his favourite little person in the house (he jumps on to her bed each afternoon for a snuggle and nap), has had many incidents with her treasured little kitty!
As for the dogs...
Izzie, my dog, pretty much ignores him while Chloe, Beth's dog, is constantly at the mercy of Oscar's sharp claws and cunning ways. They are virtually inseparable, although I would say they have something of a love/hate relationship and provide hours of entertainment for us...
The saying proves true that dogs have owners and cats have staff - it is quite amusing to see how Oscar, small as he may be, has trained us all to see to his needs in a prompt manner.
His wish is our command...wait...did I actually just write that?
Happy Tuesday, dear readers!