Thursday, 9 March 2017

Thursday Pearls

"The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God.
What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose."

~ C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

"I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldst go."

~ Isaiah 48:17, KJV

Sweet Thursday blessings!


  1. Pretty Photo. Love the quote by C.S.Lewis and the Bible verse.

  2. Good morning, Kelly-Anne! I love that quote. It made me stop and wonder how freely I give things over to the Lord. Some are fairly easy while others are harder. Surely if I keep working at that one thing I can figure it out and make it work but the harder I try, the more frustrated I become. I can often hear God whisper, "let me have it, child". I'm getting better at taking it to Him. Wonderful food for thought this morning!

    Sorry I haven't had the chance to comment on previous posts. I've been wonderfully busy working on wedding things and not on the computer as much. I saw the cute skirts you are making. They are just wonderful. I hope you sell lots of them in your shop. The matching hangers are the perfect finishing touch.

    Take care, sweet friend. Hugs,

  3. What a wonderful realization to know that all we have belongs to Him anyway! In reality, that can be hard to do, but it is such a good reminder to know that in all things, all things belong to Him anyway, and all that we have is because of His goodness to us. Makes me thankful every moment of the day for His goodness to me! Hugs to you today dear friend, it is a special joy of mine to read the quotes you share each week :)

  4. How true this is, dear friend! I love your Thursday Pearls! {{smiles}}

  5. C.S. Lewis was such a wise man. I have a Pinterest board with his quotes. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of artwork combined with Mr. Lewis' quote, dear Kelly-Anne.


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