Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Road Tripping Joys ♥

There is just something about a road trip, especially a road trip on a grey rainy day...
It's not often we are able to explore a different part of our beautiful country, so whenever the opportunity arises, it is eagerly embraced.

This past Sunday saw us heading on a little roadtrip.  
It was the perfect kind of day for exploring new places and spending time huddled together in the car.

We started off driving over the Robinson Pass, but unfortunately it was shrouded in heavy fog, so we decided to drive further afield and stop in the little town of De Rust,where we had coffee and pancakes at a little coffee shop, and then drove on through the beautiful Meiringspoort Pass...

"I can't get enough of wandering. Or the earth. Some of us carry an inherent need to explore.

Textures. Fragrance. Sounds. Air. Shadows. Movement. Patterns. Light." 
- Victoria Erickson

 We stopped along the way to stretch our legs a bit and snap a few photographs.

"Happiness is a roadtrip."  - Unknown

^The dark clouds gave the majestic mountains a truly dramatic and somewhat ominous appearance.  

 “Road trips are the equivalent of human wings. Ask me to go on one, anywhere. We’ll stop in every small town and learn the history and stories, feel the ground, and capture the spirit. Then we’ll turn it into our own story that will live inside our history to carry with us, always. Because stories are more important than things.” 
– Victoria Erickson
At the top of the pass we decided to turn around and head back the way we came as it was getting quite late and we had been in the car for hours already...  
On the way down, we stopped at a waterfall...


"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow."  
- Anita Desai

   ^Can I just take a moment to mention that it was in actual fact, still raining...we felt more like adventurers because of this...  {{smiles}}

 After walking back to the car, we put the kettle on to boil - of course we took our gas burner along with us - and made coffee for the grown ups and hot chocolate for the younger ones, and ate crunchies in the beautiful great outdoors.  
I am still convinced that everything tastes so much better when one is in nature.

 And then it was time to wind our way down the pass and back to civilization...
Home and a hot supper awaited us - two of the girls opted to spend the day cosy at home - which was truly comforting after working up an appetite exploring new places all day.

"Always take the scenic route." - Unknown

I do hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our Sunday's excursion and feel inspired to head out on a road trip sometime.  ♥

What have you been up to lately, friends? What are your plans for the rest of the week?
I am hoping to start a few new sewing projects...winter is fast approaching now and I am wanting to make cosy pajamas for my siblings.  I also have a couple things I want to do in the garden...

Have a blessed Tuesday further!



  1. Such a lovely day!
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos.
    And the cozy words as well.
    Life is uncertain here in Pennsylvania, as the virus spreads throughout the country.
    We are safe and sound at home together, praying for those who cannot be.
    Have a lovely evening in your part of the world!

    1. So lovely to have you drop in for a visit, Billie Jo!
      I had such fun compiling these pictures...made me want to hop in the car and go on another road trip!
      Our world is certainly in confusion at present...praying and keeping our eyes on the Lord!
      Blessings to you...have a lovely Tuesday further!

  2. Oh, a road trip! I want to come! {{smiles}} This post was so fun to read, sweet friend! The scenery is just gorgeous and you girls are just the loveliest sisters.

    We've been hunkering down at home the last ten days or so, as things are getting crazier with this virus going around. I promise I'm going to write to you very soon; I've been kind of overwhelmed with anxiety and such, but I think sitting down to write you an email will be just the thing to bring some peace and calm to my mind.

    Hope you all are doing well...thinking of you and sending much love!

    1. Hello sweet friend!
      Oh, it is always such a delight having you stop by!
      I was so excited to share these photographs...it was a truly lovely day and we made such sweet memories!
      And it would be absolutely wonderful to receive an email from you whenever you are feeling up to writing. May your day be a peaceful one... You are in my thoughts too!

  3. I just love the Meiringspoort Pass, especially the names of the little river crossings! :) need to do it again. Thank you for sharing, for the lovely pictures, and for the reminder to keep a sense of wonder at God's world. Good to hear you're doing well! :)

    1. So good to have you visit, Jeanette! Lovely to hear from you. ♥ Sending hugs!


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